

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 04 ?? Issue (001): 1-7.

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      南極地區氣候系統變化: 過(guò)去、現在和將來(lái)


      1. 1 中國科學(xué)院寒區旱區環(huán)境與工程研究所冰凍圈科學(xué)國家重點(diǎn)實(shí)驗室, 蘭州 730000; 2 中國氣象科學(xué)研究院, 北京 100081
      • 收稿日期:2007-11-15 修回日期:2007-12-21 出版日期:2008-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-30
      • 通訊作者: 效存德

      Changes in Antarctic Climate System: Past, present and future

      Cunde Xiao 1,2   

      • Received:2007-11-15 Revised:2007-12-21 Online:2008-01-30 Published:2008-01-30
      • Contact: Cunde Xiao

      摘要: 南極科學(xué)委員會(huì )(SCAR)下屬的"南極與全球氣候系統(AGCS)計劃"專(zhuān)家委員會(huì )發(fā)布了"南極與南大洋氣候系統(SASOCS)"白皮書(shū),重點(diǎn)評估了過(guò)去50 a南極地區氣候系統的變化并預估了未來(lái)100 a情景。白皮書(shū)總體認為,過(guò)去50 a南極氣候系統變化表現出很強的區域特征。南極半島地區升溫明顯,半島及亞南極島嶼上的冰川均處于退縮狀態(tài);南半球環(huán)狀模(SAM)轉為正位相,西南極上空的暖濕氣團入侵加強,南極冬季對流層有升溫趨勢,平流層變冷,極渦消退日期推遲;東南極外圍的南極底層水變淡,Weddell海區的底層水有變暖趨勢。雖有上述區域變化,整個(gè)南極地區在過(guò)去50 a中近地面氣溫并無(wú)明顯升高,降水亦無(wú)明顯增加。自20世紀80年代以來(lái)海冰面積也無(wú)明顯變化,只在某些扇區變化強烈。模式預估結果為:到21世紀末南極內陸地區將增暖(3.4±1.0)℃, 海冰面積將縮小約30%。現有的冰蓋模式尚不足以回答未來(lái)氣候變暖情景下冰蓋融化與海平面變化之間的定量關(guān)系,有待更深入研究。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 南極地區, 南大洋, 冰蓋, 預估

      Abstract: White paper on "status of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Climate System" (SASOCS) has been submitted to Science Committee of Antarctic Research (SCAR) by the Scientific Steering Committee of "Antarctica in Global Climate System"(AGCS). Changes in Antarctic climate system in the past 50 years are assessed and changes for the future 100 years are projected. It is concluded that: 1) large spatial differences were found in the past 50 years in the changes of the Antarctic climate system, rapid warming and glacier retreating occurred over the Antarctic Peninsula and islands in the southern oceans; enhanced warm air masses were detected over the West Antarctica, and winter warming occurred in the mid-troposphere while cooling in the stratosphere. The date of polar vortex decay was delayed. Bottom water in the sector of East Antarctica was purified, and also warmed in some areas such as Weddell Sea. However, there was no obvious changes in surface air temperature and precipitation in the overall Antarctica. Sea ice extent had no obvious changes either in the last 50 years, although large changes were observed in some sectors. 2) It is projected that air temperature over the inland of Antarctica will increase by (3.4±1.0)℃, and sea ice extent will decrease by 30% in the end of the 21st century. Current models are not able to predict the quantitative relations between ice sheet melting and sea level changes under future climate warming scenarios.

      Key words: Antarctica, South Ocean, ice sheet, projection, uncertainty


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