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      1. 國家應對氣候變化戰略研究和國際合作中心,北京 100035
      • 收稿日期:2020-09-14 修回日期:2020-11-13 出版日期:2021-08-27 發(fā)布日期:2021-08-27
      • 通訊作者: 劉海燕
      • 基金資助:

      Study on the greenhouse gas emissions information disclosure system

      LIU Hai-Yan, ZHENG Shuang   

      1. National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, Beijing 100035, China
      • Received:2020-09-14 Revised:2020-11-13 Online:2021-08-27 Published:2021-08-27
      • Contact: Haiyan LIU

      摘要: 溫室氣體排放信息披露是確保實(shí)現溫室氣體排放總量控制目標和順利開(kāi)展碳交易、推動(dòng)企業(yè)碳減排的重要前提和根本保障。研究表明,通過(guò)明確法律制度保障、完善信息披露路徑、加強監管等措施,可以有效建立溫室氣體排放信息披露制度。建議在綜合考慮國內碳市場(chǎng)信息披露、省級重點(diǎn)企業(yè)溫室氣體排放信息披露、環(huán)境信息披露等工作基礎上,推動(dòng)我國溫室氣體排放信息披露在法律基礎、制度框架、重點(diǎn)要素等方面的頂層設計,并加強監管。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 溫室氣體, 碳交易, 信息披露, 監管

      Abstract: The greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions information disclosure system is an important prerequisite and fundamental guarantee to ensure the realization of the total GHG emissions control target, the smooth implementation of carbon trading, and the promotion of corporate emissions reduction. Studies have shown that through clear legal system guarantees, perfecting information disclosure paths, and strengthening supervision and other measures, it is possible to effectively establish a GHG emissions information disclosure system. On the basis of the existing domestic carbon market information disclosure, provincial key corporate GHG emissions information disclosure, environmental information disclosure, etc., it is necessary to promote the top-level design of China’s GHG emissions information disclosure in the legal basis, institutional framework, and key elements, and to strengthen the supervision mechanism.

      Key words: Greenhouse gas (GHG), Carbon trading, Information disclosure, Supervision

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