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      1. 1 國家發(fā)展和改革委員會(huì )能源研究所,北京 100038;
        2 中國人民大學(xué)應用經(jīng)濟學(xué)院,北京 100872
      • 收稿日期:2020-10-28 修回日期:2020-12-30 出版日期:2021-09-06 發(fā)布日期:2021-09-06
      • 通訊作者: 朱松麗

      Study on the benchmark method for national carbon trading in China’s iron and steel industry

      TAN Qi-Lu1, LIU Lan-Ting2, ZHU Song-Li1   

      1. 1 Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, Beijing 100038, China;
        2 School of Applied Economics, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
      • Received:2020-10-28 Revised:2020-12-30 Online:2021-09-06 Published:2021-09-06
      • Contact: Songli Zhu

      摘要: 自2011年來(lái),中國碳排放權交易機制不斷健全完善,其中基準線(xiàn)法被確定為全國碳交易初始配額分配的主要方法。鋼鐵行業(yè)作為僅次于電力行業(yè)的第二大碳排放部門(mén),加快對其開(kāi)展基準線(xiàn)法碳交易的測算、設計和評價(jià),對縱深推進(jìn)全國碳交易市場(chǎng)建設具有重要意義。文中基于2018年鋼鐵企業(yè)直報的溫室氣體排放數據和單位產(chǎn)品碳強度這一關(guān)鍵指標,確定了中國鋼鐵行業(yè)開(kāi)展全國碳交易的基準線(xiàn)方案。結果顯示,鋼鐵行業(yè)碳交易基準線(xiàn)應包括煉鋼及之前的6個(gè)工序,基準值宜采用效率較高的前70%至80%范圍內的企業(yè)碳強度均值,在配額確定時(shí)無(wú)需考慮行業(yè)區域差異,但針對企業(yè)間碳強度差異較大的工序應設立從歷史法到基準線(xiàn)法的過(guò)渡期。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 碳交易, 基準線(xiàn), 碳強度, 鋼鐵行業(yè)

      Abstract: The national carbon emission trading scheme has been constantly improving since 2011, and the benchmark method has been determined as the major one of carbon allowance allocation. The iron and steel industry, which is the second largest contributor of energy consumption and carbon emission after the electric-power industry in China, is playing a significant role in improving the national carbon emission trading market. As a result, it is of great necessity to speed up calculation, design and evaluation of the carbon trading by benchmark methodology. Based on the data submitted directly from iron and steel enterprises to the government in 2018 and the carbon intensity per unit of product, which is the key indicator of iron and steel benchmark, this paper has determined the benchmark methodology for the national iron and steel industry carbon trading. The analysis results show that the benchmark of the iron and steel industry should include steel making and the previous six processes. The average carbon intensity of top 70% or 80% efficient enterprises is recommended as the benchmark. Furthermore, there is no need to consider the regional differences of enterprises in actual practice. However, a transition period should be set from historical method to benchmark method for some progresses where big differences exist among enterprises.

      Key words: Carbon trading, Benchmark method, Carbon intensity, Iron and steel industry

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