

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 04 ?? Issue (001): 21-25.

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      李想1,2,3 陳麗娟1 張培群1   

      1. 1 國家氣候中心 國家氣候中心; 2 中國氣象科學(xué)研究院; 3 中國科學(xué)院研究生院
      • 收稿日期:2007-05-21 修回日期:2007-08-28 出版日期:2008-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-30
      • 通訊作者: 李想

      Characteristics of Interdecadal Variations in First-Frost Date in Northern China During 1954-2005

      • Received:2007-05-21 Revised:2007-08-28 Online:2008-01-30 Published:2008-01-30

      摘要: 采用長(cháng)江以北地區65個(gè)測站1954-2005年秋冬季逐日地面最低溫度資料,計算分析長(cháng)江以北地區初霜出現日期的年代際時(shí)空變化特征。結果表明:中國北方地區初霜是由北向南逐漸出現的,初霜發(fā)生日期具有明顯的年代際變化特征,在20世紀90年代之后,大部分地區初霜日期偏晚的年份逐漸增多。中國北方地區初霜發(fā)生日期的早晚與北極濤動(dòng)的強弱密切相關(guān):當北極濤動(dòng)處于正位相時(shí),北半球以緯向型環(huán)流為主,中國北方大部分地區的初霜期偏晚;反之,當北極濤動(dòng)處于負位相時(shí),北半球以經(jīng)向型環(huán)流為主,中國北方大部分地區的初霜期偏早。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 初霜期, 年代際變化, 北極濤動(dòng), 長(cháng)江以北

      Abstract: The daily minimum temperature data at 65 stations from 1954 to 2005 and the definition of first-frost date (first day in autumn and winter when the ground surface minimum temperature is equal or less than 0℃) were used to study the characteristics of interdecadal variations in the first-frost date over northern China. Results show that the first-frost in northern China occurred successively from north to south and the date of the first-frost had remarkably interdecadal variation characteristics, which were not totally identical in the different regions. After the 1990s, the late first-frost years have increased in most regions. Further analysis show that there was a close relationship between first-frost date and Arctic Oscillation Index (AOI). If the AOI was in a positive phase, then the zonally atmospheric circulation dominated in the Northern Hemisphere, and the first-frost was frequently later than normal, and vice versa.

      Key words: first-frost date, interdecadal variations, Arctic Oscillation, the north of the Yangtze River


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