

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (03): 134-138.

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      1. 廣西區氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2008-10-13 修回日期:2009-01-04 出版日期:2009-05-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-05-30

      Flood Characteristics of the Xijiang River Basin in 1959-2008

      He Hui   

      • Received:2008-10-13 Revised:2009-01-04 Online:2009-05-30 Published:2009-05-30

      摘要: 利用1959-2008年西江流域氣象測站降水資料、西江干流及其支流年最高水位資料,建立逐年洪澇發(fā)生站次序列,并分析其時(shí)空特征和演變規律。結果表明:西江干流發(fā)生洪澇的頻率比各支流大,各支流的中下游發(fā)生洪澇頻率比上游大;西江流域洪澇的發(fā)生站次具有較顯著(zhù)的階段性和突變性特征,主要突變發(fā)生在1967年和1993年;近16 a洪澇發(fā)生頻率顯著(zhù)偏多,流域性大洪澇基本集中在這一時(shí)期。了解西江流域洪澇變化的規律,有利于提高洪澇災害評估和預測水平,為防災減災提供科學(xué)依據。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 洪澇, 時(shí)空特征, 演變規律, 階段性

      Abstract: By using the precipitation data of meteorological stations in the Xijiang River basin, and time series of the flood peak water levels of the mainstream and tributaries of the Xijiang River in 1959-2008, the data sets of yearly flood occurrence times were developed, and the spatial and temporal characteristics of the flood occurrence times and their evolution laws were analyzed. The results indicate that the flood frequency in the mainstream region of the Xijiang River was higher than those in the tributary regions, and the flood frequency in the lower reaches of the tributaries was higher than that in the upper reaches. The flood occurrence times had a prominent stage characteristic and some significant abrupt changes, the main abrupt changes happened in 1967 and 1993. Moreover, the floods occurred more frequently in recent 15 years; the basin-wide disastrous floods mainly concentrated in this period. Studying the flood laws in the Xijiang River basin is beneficial for raising the level of flood disaster evaluation and prediction, and for providing a scientific basis for hazard mitigation and prevention.

      Key words: flood frequency, spatial and temporal characteristic, evolution law, stage characteristic, abrupt change

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