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      1. 1 中國氣象局國家氣候中心,北京 100081;
        2 中國氣象局氣候預測研究重點(diǎn)開(kāi)放實(shí)驗室,北京 100081;
        3 江西省贛南師范大學(xué)地理與環(huán)境工程學(xué)院,贛州 341000
      • 收稿日期:2023-09-15 修回日期:2024-03-10 出版日期:2024-06-04 發(fā)布日期:2024-06-04
      • 通訊作者: 韓振宇
      • 基金資助:
        國家自然科學(xué)基金;中國氣象局重點(diǎn)創(chuàng )新團隊“氣候變化檢測和應對”

      The differences of global extreme climate events changes before and after 1.5℃ overshoot

      XU Ying 1, 2, HAN Zhen-Yu 1, 2, WU Jie 3,LI Rou-Ke 1, 2   

      1. 1 National Climate Centre, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China;
        2 China Meteorological Administration Key Laboratory for Climate Prediction Studies, National Climate Centre, Beijing 100081, China;
        3 School of Geography and Environmental Engineering, Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou 341000, China
      • Received:2023-09-15 Revised:2024-03-10 Online:2024-06-04 Published:2024-06-04
      • Contact: Zhen-Yu HAN

      摘要: 基于耦合模式比較計劃第六階段(CMIP6)全球氣候模式在SSP1-1.9溫室氣體排放情景下的模擬結果,預估了全球平均氣溫相對于工業(yè)化前達到1.5℃溫升(P1階段)后繼續增暖然后再次返回(過(guò)沖)到1.5℃溫升時(shí)的(P2階段)全球氣溫、降水及極端氣候指數的可能變化,并且分析其預估不確定性。結果表明:P1和P2兩階段間氣溫、降水及極端氣候的多模式一致的差異在全球各分區廣泛出現,且區域性和局地性特征明顯。各指標表征的多模式一致的極端溫度變化普遍接近或者超過(guò)全球陸地面積的15%。極端低溫的P1和P2兩階段差異的空間分布與冬季平均氣溫差異的空間分布有一定相似度,極端高溫變化的分布則更凸顯局地性。全球范圍內低溫和高溫多模式一致增加的面積都高于其減少的面積,預計歐亞大陸中高緯的西部、北美洲、中國東北等區域的低溫風(fēng)險以及青藏高原、中國東部、南亞、東非、北美洲、南極洲等區域的高溫風(fēng)險會(huì )升高。各指標表征的多模式一致的極端降水變化普遍超過(guò)全球陸地面積的20%,其中增加與減少的面積接近。強降水差異的分布特征與年降水的有部分相似,一致增多主要分布在中國南方、南亞、東南亞、南美洲東部和西南端、北美、澳洲和中東歐的部分地區等,一致減少主要分布在中國華北到東北、青藏高原南麓、非洲南部、南美洲北部和澳洲北部等。連續干旱日數在多數區域表現為增多,集中且連續地分布在中亞、南亞、青藏高原、俄羅斯中北部、非洲撒哈拉以北和中部、澳洲中部、南極洲部分地區等。這些都表明即使在2035年前后達到碳排放峰值,并立即開(kāi)始減少碳排放,但由于各個(gè)區域氣候對全球變暖的響應有明顯差異,溫升過(guò)沖后部分區域的極端事件發(fā)生頻率并未及時(shí)回退到過(guò)沖前的水平,需警惕區域和局地尺度氣象災害及其影響的增加。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 1.5℃溫升, 過(guò)沖, 極端氣候, 預估

      Abstract: Based on global climate models from Coupled Model Intercomparison Projection Phase 6 (CMIP6) under SSP1-1.9 scenario, the changes in mean temperature and precipitation, as well as seven extreme climate indices, over the 23 subregions at 1.5℃ level (P1 phase) and cooled to 1.5℃ level (P2 phase) were projected. Results show that the differences of temperature, precipitation, and extreme climate events between P1 and P2 phases show good agreement worldwide among multiple models, with obvious regional and local features. Multi-model consistent changes in temperature extremes generally approach or exceed 15% of the global land area. The spatial pattern of extreme cold events differences between two phases is similar to that of winter mean temperature, and the distribution of extreme hot events shows the local character. Globally, the areas with multi-model consistent increases in both cold and hot events are larger than those with the decreases. The risk of extreme cold/hot events will increase over the western part of mid-high latitudes in Eurasia, North America and northeastern China / the Tibet Plateau, eastern China, South Asia, East Africa, North America and Antarctic. Multi-model consistent changes in precipitation extremes generally exceeds 20% of global land area, but the area with increases is close to that with decreases. The spatial pattern of heavy precipitation differences is partially similar to that of annual mean precipitation: the values over southern China, South Asia, Southeast Asia, eastern and southwestern South America, North America, Australia, and central and eastern Europe will increase with good agreement, and the values over North China to northeastern China, southern edge of the Tibet Plateau, southern Africa, northern South America and northern Australia will decrease with good agreement. More consecutive dry days (CDDs) are projected in most regions, the large changes with good agreement can be found over Central Asia, South Asia, the Tibet Plateau, central and northern Russia, north of and the central Sahara in Africa, central Australia, parts of Antarctic. It indicates that even if carbon emission peaks around 2035 and then begins to reduce immediately, temperature and precipitation extremes at certain regions will be even larger than those before overshooting, due to the diverse regional climate responses to global warming. Then the impact will still last many years, with the influence increasing. Thus, the projected increases in extreme climate events on regional and local scale should be alerted.

      Key words: 1.5℃ warming level, Overshoot, Extreme climate, Climate projection

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