

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (1): 41-47.

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      1. 1. 清華大學(xué)
        2. 重慶理工大學(xué)工商管理學(xué)院
        3. 清華大學(xué)能源-環(huán)境-經(jīng)濟研究所全球氣候變化研究所
      • 收稿日期:2010-04-06 修回日期:2010-08-05 出版日期:2011-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2011-01-31
      • 通訊作者: 張發(fā)樹(shù) E-mail:zfs@tsinghua.edu.cn
      • 基金資助:

      Game-Theoretical Study on International Transfer of Low-Carbon Technologies Under Incomplete Information

      • Received:2010-04-06 Revised:2010-08-05 Online:2011-01-30 Published:2011-01-31
      • Contact: Zhang Fa-shu E-mail:zfs@tsinghua.edu.cn

      摘要: 在非完全信息博弈中,至少有一個(gè)參與者對另一個(gè)參與者的支付函數是不確定的。為考察非完全信息對低碳技術(shù)國際轉移的影響,運用博弈論方法構建了一個(gè)雙向多維非完全信息動(dòng)態(tài)博弈模型,分析技術(shù)轉移的合作空間、相應的均衡及其政策含義。研究表明,在國際低碳技術(shù)轉移中,參與方的信息優(yōu)勢并不一定有利;非完全信息導致技術(shù)轉移協(xié)議延遲;為減少逆向選擇、增加效率,《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》應建立適當的技術(shù)轉移信息溝通機制。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 博弈模型, 技術(shù)轉移, 非完全信息, 低碳技術(shù), game model, technology transfer, incomplete information, low-carbon technology

      Abstract: In a game of incomplete information, at least one player is uncertain about another player’s payoff function. Game theory is applied to investigate the impact of incomplete information on international transfer of low-carbon technologies. This paper establishes a dynamic game model under two-sided and multi-dimensional incomplete information, which is then used to analyze the cooperation room of technology transfer, corresponding equilibrium, and their policy implications. It is shown that information advantages of participants are not necessarily beneficial in international low-carbon technology transfer; incomplete information leads to non-efficiency with the technology transfer agreement being delayed; the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change should establish appropriate information exchange mechanisms on technology transfer to reduce adverse selections and increase the efficiency.

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