

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2006, Vol. 02 ?? Issue (04): 154-160.

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      施雅風 劉時銀 上官冬輝 李棟梁 葉柏生 沈永平   

      1. 蘭州市東崗西路260號中科院寒區(qū)旱區(qū)環(huán)境與工程研究所(6-9月)
      • 收稿日期:2006-01-27 修回日期:2006-04-06 出版日期:2006-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2006-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 施雅風

      Two Peculiar Phenomena of Climatic and Glacial Variations in the Tibetan Plateau


      • Received:2006-01-27 Revised:2006-04-06 Online:2006-07-30 Published:2006-07-30

      摘要: 近30 a全球強烈變暖,水循環(huán)加快,冰川也加劇退縮。青藏高原以其特殊的地理位置與下墊面,既對全球變暖有正常的反應,也出現(xiàn)了異常特殊現(xiàn)象。這種特殊現(xiàn)象已發(fā)現(xiàn)兩處:1) 青藏高原北部偏西冰芯記錄降溫0.6℃,相應的冰川退縮微弱,融水徑流降低;2) 青藏高原東南部以崗日嘎布山區(qū)為代表,出現(xiàn)較多的冰川前進,可能指示降水量有較大的增加。上述事實指示氣候變化與冰川響應的復雜性。

      關鍵詞: 全球變暖, 青藏高原北部, 降溫, 冰川退縮, 冰川前進

      Abstract: Glaciers in western China are one of the key elements driving changes of water resources because glacierized regions form the formation areas of many large river systems in the region. Influenced by global/regional warming changes in climate, many glaciers have been retreating. In contrast with the intensive warming and glacier shrinkage both in global and in High Asia during recent 30 years, however, two peculiar phenomena have occurred in the Tibetan Plateau: 1) the temperature dropping about 0.6℃ in the northern Tibetan Plateau with very small glacier decrease rate and melt water reduction, and 2) considerable number of glaciers has been advancing in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau with the increase of high precipitation. These facts indicate the complexity of climate change and glacier dynamic response to it. Furthermore, remote sensing technique is imperatively required in monitoring glacier changes in more regions to derive regional characteristics of these changes.

      Key words: global warming, the northern Tibetan Plateau, temperature dropping, glacier shrinking, the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, glacier advancing

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