

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (02): 90-094.

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      1. 1. 廣東省氣候中心2. 中國氣象局廣州熱帶海洋氣象研究所
      • 收稿日期:2008-07-11 修回日期:2008-10-27 出版日期:2009-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-03-30
      • 通訊作者: 胡婭敏

      Climatologically Statistical Features of Typhoon Season Parameters of Tropical Cyclones Landfalling in China

      HU Ya-min,Lili Song   

      • Received:2008-07-11 Revised:2008-10-27 Online:2009-03-30 Published:2009-03-30
      • Contact: HU Ya-min

      摘要: 利用1949-2006年登陸中國的熱帶氣旋(TC)資料,分析登陸TC臺風季參數(shù)的氣候特征,結(jié)論如下:1) 登陸中國的初旋①以南海生成為主(占5成半),終旋以西太平洋為主(高達8成),近50多年來初、終旋源地分別呈現(xiàn)向東北、西北移動的趨勢;2) 廣東(浙江)初旋最早(晚),廣西、浙江(廣東、海南)終旋較早(晚),廣東(浙江)臺風季最長(短)。近50多年來除浙江臺風季呈延長的線性趨勢外,其余各省臺風季變短或變化不明顯。

      關鍵詞: 登陸熱帶氣旋, 初旋, 終旋, 臺風季

      Abstract: According to the data of tropical cyclone (TC) landfalling in China for 1949-2006, climatologically statistical parameters of typhoon season, including the first-landfall TC date (FLTD), the last-landfall TC date (LLTD) and the duration of typhoon season (TSD) were analyzed. The first-landfall (last-landfall) TCs in China are mainly from the South China Sea (the Western Pacific). Moreover, the two source regions show a linear trend of northeastward and northwestward shift, respectively. FLTD in Guangdong (Zhejiang) is the earliest (latest), while LLTD in Guangxi and Zhejiang (Guangdong and Hainan) is earlier (later) than other provinces. TSD in Guangdong (Zhejiang) is longer (shorter) than those in other regions in the recent 58 years. TSD has shortened or shown no obvious change in all provinces except Zhejiang, where it has become longer.

      Key words: landfall tropical cyclone, first-landfall tropical cyclone, last-landfall tropical cyclone, duration of typhoon season, climatological feature

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