

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (04): 187-195.

      ? 氣候變化與冰凍圈專(zhuān)欄 ?    下一篇



      1. 1. 中國氣象局2. 中國科學(xué)院寒區旱區環(huán)境與工程研究所
      • 收稿日期:2008-09-05 修回日期:2009-03-10 出版日期:2009-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 秦大河

      Qin Dahe   

      1. China Meteorological Administration
      • Received:2008-09-05 Revised:2009-03-10 Online:2009-07-30 Published:2009-07-30
      • Contact: Qin Dahe

      摘要: 通過(guò)對冰凍圈研究在中國的重要作用和對冰凍圈科學(xué)在國內外研究現狀的系統總結和分析,凝煉出了目前面臨的關(guān)鍵科學(xué)問(wèn)題及未來(lái)研究重點(diǎn)。總體來(lái)看,國際上更多關(guān)注冰凍圈變化對氣候、海平面和環(huán)境的影響;而作為中、低緯度地區冰凍圈最發(fā)育的中國而言,冰凍圈變化對生態(tài)、水、環(huán)境及氣候均具有重要影響。目前需要解決的關(guān)鍵科學(xué)問(wèn)題為不同類(lèi)型冰川對氣候變化的響應機理及水資源影響評估的尺度轉化機制、凍土與植被間水熱傳輸過(guò)程的準確模擬、冰凍圈物理過(guò)程參數化及其與氣候模式的耦合。為解決上述關(guān)鍵科學(xué)問(wèn)題,需要開(kāi)展以下研究:冰凍圈過(guò)程及其對氣候變化的響應機理研究、冰凍圈變化的影響研究和冰凍圈變化的適應對策研究。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 冰凍圈, 氣候變化, 影響, 水資源

      Abstract: On the basis of analyses of the importance of cryospheric researches in China and the current status of cryospheric sciences over the world, this paper addresses some key issues and main contents that must be handled at present. Generally, the impacts of cryospheric changes on climate, sea level and physical environments receive worldwide concerns, whereas in China, cryospheric changes are of great importance in ecology, fresh water, physical environments and climate since China has a most developed cryosphere among countries in mid- and low-latitudes. The key issues that should be currently addressed are: i) fluctuation mechanisms of different types of glaciers in responses to climate changes and the scale-conversion in water resources assessments of glaciers; ii) modeling of water and heat exchanges between frozen soil and vegetation; iii) parameterization of physical processes in the cryosphere as well as their coupling with climate models. Towards full solution of these key issues, works in following three aspects should be highlighted, i.e. cyrospheric processes and their responses to climate changes, influences of cryospheric changes, and adaptation strategies for cryospheric changes.

      Key words: cryoshpere, climate change, impact, water resources

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