

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (04): 209-214.

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      1. 1. 國家氣候中心2. 廣東省海洋資源研究發(fā)展中心
      • 收稿日期:2008-12-31 修回日期:2009-01-23 出版日期:2009-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 劉綠柳

      Observed (1961-2007) and Projected (2011-2060) Climate Change in the Pearl River Basin

      Liu Lu-Liu,Feng Yuan   

      1. National Climate Center
      • Received:2008-12-31 Revised:2009-01-23 Online:2009-07-30 Published:2009-07-30
      • Contact: Liu Lu-Liu

      摘要: 根據珠江流域1961-2007年氣溫、降水量觀(guān)測資料和ECHAM5/MPI-OM模式2011-2060年預估結果,分析了流域過(guò)去47 a的氣溫和降水量變化,并預估未來(lái)50 a變化趨勢。結果表明,在全球變暖的背景下,過(guò)去47 a溫度呈上升趨勢,約升高1.8℃。冬季增溫最明顯,夏季最弱。未來(lái)50 a流域溫度仍呈上升趨勢,A1B情景下升幅約1.9℃,并且年際變化增強。A2和B1兩種排放情景下秋季升溫最顯著(zhù),冬季最弱,A1B排放情景與此相反。過(guò)去47 a秋季降水量呈減少趨勢;春、夏、冬季和年降水量均呈增加趨勢。未來(lái)50 a降水總體呈增加趨勢,A1B排放情景降水增加最多,約為230 mm。A2、A1B和B1情景下降水季節分配未發(fā)生顯著(zhù)變化。年降水和冬季降水的年際變率增強,秋季減弱。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣溫, 降水, 氣候變化, 氣候預估

      Abstract: Based on the temperature and precipitation observation data during 1961-2007 and projection during 2011-2060 by the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model, changing tendencies of temperature and precipitation in the Pearl River basin were analyzed. The results show that the annual average air temperature increased by 1.8℃ during the past 47 years, with a maximum increase in winter and a minimum increase in summer. Annual temperature would rise by 1.9℃ under the SRES-A1B scenario in the next 50 years (2011-2060); at the same time, inter-annual variability would enhance. Seasonal temperature would rise most significantly in autumn and most weakly in winter under the SRES-A2 and SRES-B1 scenarios; however, under the SRES-A1B scenario, the opposite is true. In the past 47 years, except that autumn precipitation decreased, spring, summer, winter and annual precipitation increased. Precipitation would overally increase about 230 mm in 2011-2060 by the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model under the SRES-A1B scenario. However, the seasonal percentages of annual rainfall would not change obviously. On the other hand, the inter-annual variability of annual and winter precipitation would enhance, but that of autumn precipitation would weaken.

      Key words: temperature, precipitation, climate change, climate projection, Pearl River basin

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