

      ISSN 1673-1719
      CN 11-5368/P
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        30 January 2011, Volume 7 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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      NOx Release from Snow and Ice Covered Surface in Polar Regions and Tibetan Plateau   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 1-7.  
      Abstract ( 3041 )   HTML (   PDF (3977KB) ( 1786 )  
      The exchanges of NOX between snow and air have a significant impact on the atmospheric components and photochemical processes in the overlying boundary layer, which increases the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and may have a decisive impact on the air signals that are retrieved from ice cores. In the recent years, sunlit snow and ice has been proved to be an important NOX source in the polar boundary layer. This paper makes a thorough review on the release of NOX from snow and ice, including the following aspects: field observations and experimental evidences, release mechanisms and influential parameters that affect such a release process, polar NOX concentrations and fluxes, and environmental impacts of the chemical processes of NOX in the polar atmospheric boundary layer. In the Tibetan Plateau lying in the mid-latitude of Northern Hemisphere, the released NOX observed recently in the sunlit snow/ice-cover is 1-order magnitude more than that in polar regions, but more in-depth scientific research is still needed to reveal its impact on the atmospheric oxidizing capacity.
      Trends of Hourly Precipitation over Southwest China During 1961-2000   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 8-13.  
      Abstract ( 3183 )   HTML (   PDF (2813KB) ( 1674 )  
      Based on the 1961-2000 hourly precipitation data at 112 stations of Southwest China, frequencies and intensities of hourly precipitation and extreme hourly precipitation in four seasons were analyzed. The results show that: 1) in summer, hourly precipitation frequencies decreased in most parts of Southwest China, including the western Sichuan Basin, Yunnan and southern Guizhou, but increased in the eastern Sichuan Basin and the western Sichuan highland; the regional mean hourly precipitation frequencies decreased by 0.9% per 10 years; while extreme hourly precipitation frequencies decreased in the western Sichuan Basin, and increased in most parts of Southwest China, including the eastern Sichuan Basin, western Sichuan highland, most part of Yunnan and Guizhou; the regional mean extreme hourly precipitation frequencies increased by 2.0% per 10 years. In autumn, trends of hourly precipitation frequencies were negative in most of Southwest China; the regional mean hourly precipitation frequencies decreased by 3.5% per 10 years; however trends of extreme hourly precipitation frequencies were not obvious. 2) In summer, trends of average rainfall intensity in most parts of Southwest China, except the western Sichuan Basin, were positive; furthermore, trends of extreme hourly precipitation intensity were also positive in most parts of Southwest China. In autumn, the average rainfall intensity increased in most parts of Yunnan and Guizhou, but decreased in the eastern Sichuan Basin and the western Sichuan highland.
      Changes in Heavy Rain in Dandong During 1951-2009   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 14-17.  
      Abstract ( 3046 )   HTML (   PDF (1857KB) ( 1771 )  
      Changes in heavy rain in Dandong were analyzed by using the daily precipitation data from the 4 meteorological stations of Dandong. The results indicate that both the annual heavy rain days and heavy rain amount in Dandong exhibited decreasing trends. However, the percentage of heavy rain amount to the total precipitation during the flood season from 1951 to 2009 showed no obvious trend. The heavy rain days increased obviously in June while decreased in July, and both the starting date and ending date came earlier in 2001-2009 than in the proceeding decades.
      Simulation of Surface Temperature over the Past 0.8 Ma   Collect
      Zhang Yue
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 18-22.  
      Abstract ( 3036 )   HTML (   PDF (2575KB) ( 1417 )  
      The surface temperature in Northern Hemisphere over the past 0.8 Ma was simulated using an improved 2-D energy balance model, and the simulated 65°N surface temperature was compared with the Antarctic ice core record. The climatic effects of integrated insolation, greenhouse gases and dusts, and feedback process of water vapor were investigated via five sensitivity experiments, respectively. The results suggest that the insolation variability given by the Milankovitch theory can’t fully explain the surface temperature changes of the glacial-interglacial cycles in the Northern Hemisphere in the past 0.8 Ma. The influences of the radiative forcing of greenhouse gases and dust, and water vapor on the climate changes since late Pleistocene were very significant. After considering these factors, the correlation coefficient between simulated 65°N surface temperatures and Antarctic temperatures increased from 0.24 in the first test to 0.60 in the fifth one. Finally, the climate system in the model responded to the above forcings and feedbacks nonlinearly.
      A Study on City Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 23-28.  
      Abstract ( 3123 )   HTML (   PDF (3633KB) ( 2062 )  
      Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory is the fundamental data for low carbon city development. There are significant methodology differences between the national inventory and city inventory. The system and accounting model as well as principles, boundaries and scope of well accepted urban GHG inventory are introduced. Based on the characteristics of city, the mixed accounting model, boundaries, and the emission scope of city GHG inventory are analyzed. The difficulties and challenges in the study of the GHG inventory of cites in China are raised and suggestions proposed as well.
      Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Estimations of Electrified Railways in China   Collect
      Ji-Cheng HE
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 29-34.  
      Abstract ( 2789 )   HTML (   PDF (3794KB) ( 1682 )  
      Based on the annual production data collected by Statistic Center of Chinese Railway Ministry, we calculated the energy saving, and the direct emission reductions of CO2, soot, SO2, CO, NOX and CnHm of electrified railways, and analyzed their dynamic characteristics during 1975-2007. The results show that during the past 33 years, the annual mean values of energy saving and the direct reductions of CO2, soot, SO2, CO, NOX and CnHm emissions were 1.230 Mt ce (coal equivalent), 4.267 Mt, 20.5 kt, 3.0 kt, 9.6 kt, 67.9 kt and 6.9 kt, respectively. The average growth rates of energy saving and direct reductions of CO2, soot, SO2, CO, NOX and CnHm emissions were 139 kt ce, 483 kt, 2.3 kt, 0.34 kt, 1.1 kt, 7.7 kt and 0.78 kt per year, respectively. The electrified railways played an important role in decreasing the energy consumption and air pollutants emissions of Chinese railway system in the past 33 years. The study results could provide some reference knowledge for future reduction of energy consumption and waste gases emission in Chinese railway transportation.
      Regional Differences of Carbon Dioxide Emission in China and Emission-Reduction Policy Recommendations   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 35-40.  
      Abstract ( 3027 )   HTML (   PDF (3749KB) ( 3059 )  
      Some CO2 emission indexes of different provinces in China were calculated according to the statistical data in 2008 and the analytical method of IPCC. It is found that the CO2 emission amount and density per capita in the eastern developed region of China are higher than those in the western less developed region; however, the emission intensity in the eastern region is lower than that in the western region. These differences are resulted from the national economic strategy, and the disparity in technology, economy as well as social development level between the two regions. At last, some proposals for achieving the targets of greenhouse gases emission reduction are presented.
      Game-Theoretical Study on International Transfer of Low-Carbon Technologies Under Incomplete Information   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 41-47.  
      Abstract ( 3086 )   HTML (   PDF (3851KB) ( 1409 )  
      In a game of incomplete information, at least one player is uncertain about another player’s payoff function. Game theory is applied to investigate the impact of incomplete information on international transfer of low-carbon technologies. This paper establishes a dynamic game model under two-sided and multi-dimensional incomplete information, which is then used to analyze the cooperation room of technology transfer, corresponding equilibrium, and their policy implications. It is shown that information advantages of participants are not necessarily beneficial in international low-carbon technology transfer; incomplete information leads to non-efficiency with the technology transfer agreement being delayed; the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change should establish appropriate information exchange mechanisms on technology transfer to reduce adverse selections and increase the efficiency.
      Construction of China’s Low-Carbon Economic Development Model in Response to Climate Changes   Collect
      CHOU Jie-Ming DONG Wen-jie
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 48-53.  
      Abstract ( 3178 )   HTML (   PDF (4669KB) ( 1714 )  
      Low-carbon economy is a new development model, and it involves many aspects, such as economy, policy, society, technology and environment as well as international cooperation. This article asserts: developing the low-carbon economy is a fundamental way in response to climate change and environmental crisis; properly solving the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection is a fundamental principle of building China’s low-carbon economic development model; creating an innovative institutional system is the key for building the low-carbon economic development model; at present, it should be particularly emphasized to fully play leading roles of the government and economic policies in guidance of low-carbon economy development.
      Factors Affecting China’s Carbon Intensity   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 54-58.  
      Abstract ( 2930 )   HTML (   PDF (3101KB) ( 1717 )  
      Based on an autoregressively distributed lag model, this study examined the long-term relationship between carbon intensity and energy efficiency, income level and industrial composition in the case of China by employing the data of 1980-2007. The results show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship of China’s carbon intensity with GDP per capita, energy efficiency and industrial value added. Improvement in energy efficiency makes carbon intensity drop, and an increase in the proportion of the industrial value of GDP raises the carbon intensity. There is an inverted-U relationship between carbon intensity and GDP per capita. China reached the turning-point of carbon intensity in early 1990s. But because of a drop in energy efficiency and an increase in industrial proportion of GDP, China’s carbon intensity rebounded again.
      Evaluation and Influence Factors of Climate Change Awareness of Enterprise Management Personnel   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 59-64.  
      Abstract ( 3794 )   HTML (   PDF (3297KB) ( 1831 )  
      Based on the questionnaire survey which is about awareness of climate change and aims at enterprise management personnel, the authors analyzed the relationship between climate change awareness and enterprise management personnel background through cognitive index, behavior index, and awareness index of climate change. The results show that the influence of industry type, enterprises’ ownership type, enterprise scale and job department on cognitive index is remarkable, the influence of enterprise scale on behavior index is also remarkable. In addition, the influence of age, education, enterprises’ ownership type, enterprise scale and job department on the awareness index of climate change is remarkable. The management personnel from age 26 to age 35 have higher awareness than others; the management personnel who have a master’s degree or above have higher awareness than others; the management personnel from state-owned enterprises have higher awareness than those from private-owned ones; the bigger scale of enterprises, the higher level of awareness of the personnel; and the technical management personnel have the highest level of awareness.
      Public Perception on the Cryosphere Changes and Selections of Adaptation Measures in U¨ru¨mqi River Basin   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 65-72.  
      Abstract ( 2940 )   HTML (   PDF (5207KB) ( 1214 )  
      Based on the questionnaires concerning general public apprehension on climate and cryosphere changes in the Urumqi River basin, this paper attempted to explain the characteristics of the public perception, reasons for the similarities, differences with reported scientific conclusions and potential impacts of environment changes on water resources and agricultural production. The paper also analyzed public choice of adaptation measures, with conclusions as follows: 1) the public tend to choose adaptation measures such as system changes and infrastructure construction which were generally led by government or decision-making authorities; 2) the public tend to take initiatives to avoid the adverse natural environment, such as simply relocating their residence; 3) the public perception on the urgent situation of participating in adaptation measures is still insufficient; 4) implementation of such adaptation measures should be in accordance with local conditions, and require the integration of “open source” and “cost-cutting” measures as well.
      World Climate Change Research Trends   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 73-76.  
      Abstract ( 2723 )   HTML (   PDF (1679KB) ( 2613 )  
      When Will the Earth Enter the Next Glacial Period?   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (1): 77-78.  
      Abstract ( 3163 )   HTML (   PDF (898KB) ( 1863 )  
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