

      ISSN 1673-1719
      CN 11-5368/P
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        30 May 2011, Volume 7 Issue 3 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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      The Utilization of Real-Time High Resolution Mornitoring Skill in Karst Carbon Sequestration: A Case of the Station in Banzhai Subterranean Stream Catchment   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 157-161.  
      Abstract ( 2671 )   HTML (   PDF (2692KB) ( 1372 )  
      The karst process is carbon sequestration for atmosphere CO2. Karst carbon sequestration (KCS) value depends on the discharge of karst catchment and inorganic carbon concentration of water body. Based on the data from the mornitoring station on Banzhai subterranean stream located in Maolan National Nature Reserve of Guizhou, the influcent factors of KCS have been analyzed. It shows that the KCS is about 353 t C per year in the catchment of Banzhai subterranean stream, and there is good liner relationship between KCS and discharge at different time scales. Therefore, how to mornitor the discharge accurately is the key to KCS estimation. And the stations with real-time monitoring function are very important for KCS calculation because of strong seasonal variability of karst water cycle.
      Comparison of Karst Process-Related Carbon Sink Intensity Between an Alpine Glaciated and Snow Covered Karst Water System and Humid Subtropical Karst Water System   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 162-170.  
      Abstract ( 2971 )   HTML (   PDF (4852KB) ( 1068 )  
      A comparative study on karst process-related carbon sink intensity between the two karst water systems with similar lithology but different climate and land use scenarios and with high resolution hydrological and hydrochemical automatic monitoring data is presented to show the significance of runoff in determining the carbonate weathering carbon sink intensity. The two systems are Houzhai karst water system with high ratio of soil cover in catchment area (Puding County, Guizhou Province, Southwest China), and Tsanfleuron glaciated and snow covered rocky karst water system in Alps, Switzerland. The results show that the annual mean concentration of HCO3- of Houzhai karst water systems in their discharge areas is 222 mg/L, while that of Tsanfleuron karst water system is only 131 mg/L. This indicates that the karst water systems in humid subtropics were characterized by high [HCO3-]However, the carbon sink intensity of the karst water system in humid subtropics (60.82 t/(km2?a)) was almost the same as that of Tsanfleuron glaciated karst water system (59.06 t/(km2?a)). The reason for the high carbon sink intensity in glaciated karst water system was mainly that under the global warming conditions, the glacier melts more quickly, and the effect of resulting runoff increase was much stronger than that of [HCO3-] decrease by dilution, so the carbon sink intensity of alpine glaciated karst water system increased instead. It also implies that the karst process-related carbon sink intensity in glaciated karst water systems will decrease if some glaciers disappear due to global warming.
      ENSO, Volcanic Activities and Interannual Variations of Atmospheric CO2   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 171-177.  
      Abstract ( 2486 )   HTML (   PDF (3942KB) ( 1376 )  
      Based on the observations of atmospheric CO2 and its δ13C, the characters of seasonal and interannual variations of atmospheric CO2 were analyzed in different regions. The trends of atmospheric δ13C were used to distinguish whether the dominative influential factor for the variations of atmospheric CO2 is from the terrestrial or the ocean. The results show that the interannual variations of atmospheric CO2 are mainly influenced by ENSO-related change of terrestrial vegetation primary production, not by oceanic sink. And the intensity of La Nina has more effect on atmospheric CO2 than that of El Nino. The atmospheric CO2 increase would decrease after volcano events, which even conceal ENSO effects. The synchronized decrease in atmospheric δ13C increase after volcano eruptions indicates that it is likely due to the increase of oceanic uptake or the weakening of terrestrial respiration resulted from persistent decrease of surface temperature.
      Simulation of the East Asian Summer Climate Change in the “Free Arctic” Condition   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 178-183.  
      Abstract ( 2816 )   HTML (   PDF (4120KB) ( 1268 )  
      By using the CMIP3 models’ projections under the IPCC SRES A1B scenario, a possible future Arctic condition—the “Free Arctic” condition is generated. The corresponding monthly sea surface temperature and the set of CO2 abundances are used to drive the IAP9L-AGCM model for the purpose of analyzing East Asian climate change in the “Free Arctic” condition. The experiment show that in boreal summer (JJA), the global surface air temperature in the “Free Arctic” condition will increase to different extents, with increments greater at high latitudes than at low latitudes and over lands than over oceans at the same latitudes. The sea level pressure will decrease over lands, but increase over the subtropical oceans and parts of the oceans around the Antarctic. In addition, the East Asian summer monsoon will enhance and the summer monsoon rainfall over eastern China will increase correspondingly.
      Water Vapor Transport Characteristics Over the Haihe River Basin   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 184-188.  
      Abstract ( 3013 )   HTML (   PDF (2712KB) ( 1436 )  
      Based on observational station data in the Haihe River basin, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and JRA-25 data, the change of water vapor content, and water vapor budget and transport in summer over the Haihe River basin from 1951 to 2008 are studied. The results show that water vapor content over the Haihe River basin has obvious interdecadal variations, and is significantly correlated with precipitation. The zonal water vapor transfer to the Haihe River basin occurs mainly between 850 and 700 hPa, while the meridional water vapor transfer mainly happens below 850 hPa. The southerly strong moisture transfer belt below 850 hPa is the primary contributor of water vapor for the Haihe River basin, and also the major influential factor for precipitation in the basin. The influences of cyclonic pattern and south wind patterrn circulation upon the water vapor content are the most significant.
      Characteristics of Climate Warming and Extreme Temperature Indices in Beijing over 1960-2008   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 189-196.  
      Abstract ( 3629 )   HTML (   PDF (5088KB) ( 2155 )  
      Using the homogenized temperature data series in the period 1960-2008, the characteristics of climate warming and variations of extreme temperature indices in Beijing were analyzed. Results indicate that the increase rate of annual mean temperature were 0.39℃/10a, and the mean maximum and minimum temperatures changed asymmetrically, indicating that the climate warming were mainly caused by minimum temperature increasing. The climate base state indices of frost days (FD) and extreme temperature range (ETR) declined, warm nights (TN90) and heat wave duration index (HWDI) increased, and most of extreme temperature indices exhibited high variability except for the ETR index. Morlet wavelet transform shows that the main periods for mean annual temperature and extreme temperature indices were about 21, 15-17, and 10 years. There were a close correlation between annual mean temperature and extreme temperature indices. Since 1980, extreme high temperature, and high temperature days have increased more in urban areas than in suburbs and exurbs, while extreme low temperature and low temperature days have decreased more in urban areas and suburbs than in exurbs. The above results suggest that the variations in extreme temperatures in Beijing have been obviously affected by its urbanization process.
      China Transport CO2 Emission Study   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 197-203.  
      Abstract ( 3655 )   HTML (   PDF (4178KB) ( 2760 )  
      Based on the review of research on China transport CO2 emissions at national and regional level, the obstacles and shortcomings were identified. We proposed the methods and related parameters to tackle this problem. Using China emission factors and our methods, CO2 emissions in road, rail, aviation and navigation sectors at national and regional level in 2007 were calculated. The results show that China transport CO2 emission in 2007 was 436 Mt, accounting for 7% of the total fuel combustion emission, which is lower than that of global level of 23%. The road transport is the dominant emission source with shares of 86.32% in total transport emission.
      Greenhouse Gas Emissions
      Good Practices in Australia for Greenhouse Gas Inventory Development   Collect
      Songli Zhu
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 204-209.  
      Abstract ( 2778 )   HTML (   PDF (4027KB) ( 1440 )  
      Good practices in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory in Australia are studied and summarized regarding research and management framework, especially in the field of GHG emission from energy activities. Based on these good practices, it is suggested to enforce institutional arrangement, establish stable data flow channel and create emission report system in China in order to promote our inventory development regularized and systematized, to timely provide basic data for policy-making, and most importantly to address the possible challenges of submitting inventory more frequently and “international consultancy and analysis” recorded in the Copenhagen Accord.
      Impacts of Carbon Tax Policy on CO2 Mitigation and Economic Growth in China   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 210-216.  
      Abstract ( 3142 )   HTML (   PDF (3658KB) ( 1594 )  
      This paper aimed to examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation and economic growth in China by using an energy-environment-economic model based on dynamic CGE model. The results show that, 30, 60 and 90 yuan RMB/t CO2 of carbon tax rate may lead to a reduction of CO2 emission by 5.56%, 10.45%, 14.74% and GDP loss rate by 0.04%, 0.10%, 0.18% respectively in 2020 if carbon tax revenues belong to the government. The emission reductions contribute 9.9%, 18.6%, 26.2% to the target that Chinese CO2 emissions per unit of GDP will reduce by 40% by 2020, from 2005 levels. Negative impacts to enterprise and household will be alleviated if carbon tax revenues are recycled to them.
      Rural People’s Perception Deviation on Climate Change and Population’s Differences in Dunhua City, Jilin Province   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 217-223.  
      Abstract ( 2868 )   HTML (   PDF (4411KB) ( 1254 )  
      This research investigated the perception deviation and population differences on climate trend as well as extreme cold /warm years through questionnaire survey among rural populations in Dunhua City, Jilin Province. The results indicate that the rural people’s perception on climate trend agrees well with scientific measurements. Higher sensitivity to the transitional year of warming leads to greater deviation on the confirmation in warming years at some time intervals. The perception of climate trend is more accurate than that of extreme cold/warm years. The experience affects rural people’s perception accuracy to climate trend, and the growth experience affects their perception accuracy to extreme cold/warm years. Therefore, the government needs to earmark funds to climate change education. The education should provide the concerned and key people the cases of people’s experience and lessons on how to respond to climate trend and extreme climate year on the grain-growing around the cold and warm transitional year, to improve people’s capacity to adapt to climate change.
      Flexibility Required for Meeting China’s Mandatory Green Targets Set in the 12th Five-Year Plan   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 224-227.  
      Abstract ( 2410 )   HTML (   PDF (3285KB) ( 1362 )  
      Sunshine Hours Temporal Distribution Characteristics in 1971-2009 in Zhejiang Province   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 228-229.  
      Abstract ( 2753 )   HTML (   PDF (1145KB) ( 1557 )  
      Arctic Report   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 230-232.  
      Abstract ( 2293 )   HTML (   PDF (2260KB) ( 1293 )  
      Dark Ages Cold Period   Collect
      Climate Change Research. 2011, 7 (3): 233-234.  
      Abstract ( 2618 )   HTML (   PDF (1181KB) ( 1815 )  
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