

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 04 ?? Issue (001): 32-36.

      ? 研究短論 ? 上一篇    下一篇


      陳莉1,2 方修琦2 李帥3   

      1. 1 黑龍江省哈爾濱市氣象局;2 北京師范大學(xué)地理學(xué)與遙感科學(xué)學(xué)院;3 黑龍江省氣象局 
      • 收稿日期:2007-08-20 修回日期:2007-10-25 出版日期:2008-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-30
      • 通訊作者: 陳莉

      A New Method to Construct Anomaly Series of Climatic Energy Consumption for Urban Residential Heating in Jilin Province

      • Received:2007-08-20 Revised:2007-10-25 Online:2008-01-30 Published:2008-01-30
      • Contact: Li Chen

      摘要: 由于中國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟統計資料中均缺乏歷年采暖能源消費數據,在分析氣候變化對采暖能耗的影響時(shí),始終存在著(zhù)一個(gè)瓶頸。為此,提出了一種城市住宅采暖氣候耗能距平序列的建立方法,這種方法把氣候變化因素與相關(guān)的社會(huì )經(jīng)濟因素(如人口、人均居住面積等)結合在一起,較直觀(guān)地反映了氣候變化對城市住宅采暖耗能的影響。以地處高緯的吉林省為例,利用吉林省歷年城鎮人口、城鎮人均居住面積、采暖度日數以及單位面積采暖耗煤量指標,建立了吉林省歷年采暖氣候耗能距平序列。結果表明:相對于1971-2000年30 a平均氣候狀況,吉林省2001/2002年的采暖期理論上因氣候偏暖可以節約35.98萬(wàn)t標準煤,而2000/2001年采暖期因氣候偏冷需要增加15.5萬(wàn)t標準煤。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 住宅采暖, 氣候耗能, 距平序列, 吉林省

      Abstract: Lack of climatic energy consumption data in socio-economics in China has become a bottleneck for researches on impacts of climate change on climatic energy consumption, such as residential heating and cooling etc. A method to construct the anomaly series of climatic energy consumption for residential heating in towns and cities is presented. It combines climate factors with socio-economic factors, such as population and per capita residential area, together, and intuitively reflects the impacts of climate on the energy consumption for urban residential heating. Based on four variables: annual town and city population, per capita residential area, heating degree-day (the base temperature is 18℃) and the standard coal consumption for heating defined in energy Conservation Design Standard for New Heating Residential Buildings (JCJ26-95)? the following conclusions are drawn: theoretically, about 360 thousand tons standard coal for heating in the warmer winter of 2001/2002 could be saved in comparison with the standard energy consumption for the average climate over 1971-2000 and in the colder winter of 2000/2001 extra 155 thousand tons standard coal for heating could be added in Jilin Province.

      Key words: residential heating, climatic energy consumption, anomaly series, Jilin Province


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