

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 04 ?? Issue (001): 37-41.

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      曹鴻興1 鄭艷2 虞海燕3 蔡秀華1   

      1. 1 中國氣象科學(xué)研究院; 2 中國社會(huì )科學(xué)院 可持續發(fā)展研究中心; 3 北京市氣象局觀(guān)象臺 
      • 收稿日期:2007-04-16 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-01-30
      • 通訊作者: 曹鴻興

      Granger Causality Test for Detection and Attribution of Climate Change

      • Received:2007-04-16 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-01-30 Published:2008-01-30

      摘要: 為揭示氣候變化并探索其可能原因,引入了格蘭杰因果檢驗法。在敘述其基本原理的基礎上,對影響中國氣溫變化的若干因子進(jìn)行了檢驗。論證了通過(guò)檢驗的因子與中國氣溫變化的可能物理聯(lián)系,著(zhù)重說(shuō)明了二氧化碳增加對中國氣溫變化的影響,解釋了我國增溫滯后于全球氣溫變化的原因。由此證實(shí)格蘭杰因果檢驗法是氣候變化檢測與歸因的一種有用的新方法。通過(guò)計算和分析,證實(shí)了格蘭杰檢驗法的可用性。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣候變化, 檢測與歸因, 格蘭杰因果檢驗, 天氣預報

      Abstract: For revealing and exploring climate change and its causes, Granger causality test is introduced in this paper. In presenting the basic principle of the Granger test, several climatic variables are tested for their impacts on temperature changes in China by means of the Granger causality test, and the possible physical connections between these variables and temperatures in China are revealed. The focus lies on the impact of CO2 concentration on temperature changes in China; further, the cause for the lag of temperature changes in China relative to global warming is explained reasonably. Thus it is proved that the Granger causality test may be a new and useful method of the detection and attribution of climate change and its feasibility is demonstrated.

      Key words: climate change, detection and attribution, Granger causality test, weather forecast


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