

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2010, Vol. 6 ?? Issue (02): 147-151.

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      1. 重慶三峽學院經(jīng)濟與管理學院
      • 收稿日期:2009-09-14 修回日期:2009-11-18 出版日期:2010-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2010-03-30
      • 通訊作者: 王文軍

      Comparison and Analysis on Both Carbon Budget Proposals from WBGU and CASS

      • Received:2009-09-14 Revised:2009-11-18 Online:2010-03-30 Published:2010-03-30

      摘要: 在《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》第15次締約方會議召開前夕,德國發(fā)布了一份旨在通過對未來排放空間進行管理以實現(xiàn)長期減排目標、構建全球低碳經(jīng)濟的國際氣候制度設計方案。該方案的研究思路與中國社會科學院學者提出的碳預算方案基本一致,但是兩種方案在參數(shù)選擇、減排路徑、歷史責任計算等問題上存在較大分歧。雖然德國方案力圖平衡南北雙方在氣候領域的不同利益訴求,但從結果上看,德國方案明顯有利于發(fā)達國家集團,公平性不足,難以達到其方案設計效果。

      關鍵詞: 碳預算方案, 德國, 中國, 比較

      Abstract: On the eve of the COP15, the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) proposed a budget approach for solving the climate dilemma of existing international climate change regime, this proposal aimed to realize the long-term emission reduction target and build global low-carbon economy by managing the future greenhouse gases emission space. German carbon budget proposal is similar to China's carbon budget proposal published in the COP14, but the both still differ in some parameters, path of emission reduction, historical emission responsibility, etc. German proposal might try to meet the demand of both the north and south countries, but the unfair design makes it unfeasible.

      Key words: carbon budget proposal, Germany, China, comparison

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