

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2010, Vol. 6 ?? Issue (03): 181-186.

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      1. 1. 青海省氣候中心2. 青海省氣象局3. 青海省氣象局氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2009-09-14 修回日期:2009-11-25 出版日期:2010-05-30 發(fā)布日期:2010-05-30
      • 通訊作者: 李林

      Climate Change and Its Regional Differences over the Tibetan Plateau

      Chen Xiao-Guang,Tang Hongyu   

      1. Qinghai Climate Center
      • Received:2009-09-14 Revised:2009-11-25 Online:2010-05-30 Published:2010-05-30

      摘要: 利用1961-2007年青藏高原66個(gè)氣象臺站氣溫和降水量資料,通過(guò)典型氣候分區,系統研究了近47年來(lái)青藏高原氣溫、降水量等氣候因子時(shí)空演變規律,揭示了青藏高原不同區域氣候變化的差異性。研究表明:近47年來(lái),青藏高原的氣候呈現出顯著(zhù)增暖趨勢,年平均氣溫以0.37℃/10a的速率上升,氣候變暖在夜間要較日間明顯。冬季較其他季節明顯,2月氣溫由冷向暖的轉變最為顯著(zhù),8月最不顯著(zhù),且在某些區域有變冷跡象;高原邊緣地區氣候變暖要明顯于高原腹地,青海北部區特別是柴達木盆地是青藏高原氣候變化的敏感區。降水量總體表現出增多態(tài)勢,氣候傾向率達9.1 mm/10a,但區域性差異較為明顯,藏東南川西區是青藏高原降水量增多最顯著(zhù)的地區;12月至次年5月即冬春季整個(gè)青藏高原降水量隨著(zhù)氣候變暖而增多,7月和9月黃河上游區1987年后干旱化趨勢明顯。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣候變化, 暖濕化, 青藏高原

      Abstract: Using the meteorological observation data including temperature and precipitation at 66 stations over the Tibetan Plateau from 1961 to 2007, by means of the typical climate zoning, the spatio-temporal variations of climatic variables over the plateau in the recent 47 years were systematically studied, and the differences of climate change in different sub-regions were shown. The results indicate that the climate over the Tibetan Plateau overally showed a significant warming trend in the recent 47 years, the annual mean temperature rose at a rate of 0.37℃/10a; the warming was more remarkable in nighttime than in daytime, and in winter than in other seasons. The change from colder to warmer was the most significant in February, but the least in August, when climate showed a cooling trend in some areas. Climate warming at the edge of the plateau was more obvious than in the hinterland. The northern of Qinghai, especially the Qaidam Basin was a most sensitive area to climate change. Precipitation showed a rising trend at a tendency rate of 9.1 mm/10a; but regional differences were very apparent, the western of Sichuan, which lies in the southeast of Tibet, was the most significant in precipitation-increasing in the whole Tibetan Plateau; Precipitation in winter and spring (from December to May of the next year) in all areas increased with the climate warming; but the drought trend in the upstream of Yellow River was obvious after 1987.

      Key words: climate change, warming and wetting, Tibetan Plateau

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