

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2010, Vol. 6 ?? Issue (03): 198-203.

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      1. 解放軍理工大學(xué)氣象學(xué)院
      • 收稿日期:2009-11-09 修回日期:2010-01-14 出版日期:2010-05-30 發(fā)布日期:2010-05-30
      • 通訊作者: 秦麗

      Precipitation Change in Taiwan Area During 1961-2008

      Qin Li   

      • Received:2009-11-09 Revised:2010-01-14 Online:2010-05-30 Published:2010-05-30
      • Contact: Qin Li

      摘要: 利用EOF、REOF、M-K突變檢驗等方法,分析了臺灣地區1961-2008年降水量的變化情況,結果表明:臺灣本島年降水量豐沛,澎湖列島的年降水較少。臺灣島年降水的空間分布既有一致性,也存在東-西部、南-北部的差異。臺灣島的年降水可分為3個(gè)氣候區,即北部、中西部和東南部。除臺灣島東南部外,整個(gè)臺灣地區的年降水量均有增加趨勢和突變現象。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 臺灣地區, 降水, EOF, REOF, 突變分析

      Abstract: Changes of precipitation in the Taiwan area in 1961-2008 was analyzed by using EOF, REOF, M-K abrupt change analysis. The results show that the annual precipitation was great in the Taiwan Island, but far smaller in the Pescadores. The spatial distribution of annual precipitation in the Taiwan Island not only had the coherence in the whole area, but also showed variations from east to west and from south to north. The annual rainfall field in the Taiwan Island can be divided into north, mid-west and southeast sub-regions. The annual precipitation displayed an increasing trend and abrupt changes in the island except the southeast sub-region.

      Key words: Taiwan area, precipitation, EOF, REOF, trend analysis, abrupt change analysis

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