

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2007, Vol. 03 ?? Issue (04): 195-201.

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      馬柱國 任小波   

      1. 中國科學院大氣物理研究所
      • 收稿日期:2007-02-14 修回日期:2007-04-23 出版日期:2007-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2007-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 馬柱國


      • Received:2007-02-14 Revised:2007-04-23 Online:2007-07-30 Published:2007-07-30

      摘要: 摘 要:利用1951-2006年中國區(qū)域160個站的月降水及月平均氣溫資料,對中國區(qū)域近56 a氣候要素的變化及其與干旱化聯(lián)系的事實進行了分析。結果表明:降水減少的地區(qū)主要位于我國北方的西北東部、華北及東北;在南方,西南的降水減少趨勢與上述地區(qū)具有類似特征。氣溫基本為增溫趨勢,而西北東部及西南地區(qū)氣溫也在20世紀80年代發(fā)生轉折性變化,由80年代中期以前的降溫趨勢轉為其后的增溫趨勢。地表濕潤指數(shù)分析的結果指出:我國西北東部、華北、東北及西南地區(qū)當前正處于一個干旱化過程,但不同地區(qū)干濕變化特征及干旱化的持續(xù)時間和位相卻有差別。

      關鍵詞: 中國區(qū)域, 氣候變化, 干旱化, 地表濕潤指數(shù)

      Abstract: Abstract: Based on the monthly mean surface air temperature (SAT) and monthly precipitation of 160 meteorological stations over China from 1951 to 2006, the relationship between climate change and drying trend was analyzed in the last 56 years. The results indicated that the annual precipitation reduced in North China, Northeast China, the east part of Northwest China, and Southwest China, while the SAT generally increased in these regions. It is worth noting that the trend of SAT turned from a decreasing trend to an increasing trend in Southwest China and the east part of Northwest China in the 1980s. Analysis of surface wetness index (SWI) shows there were drying trends in North China, Northeast China, Southwest China and the east part of Northwest China, but the phase and duration of the drying processes were different in the above mentioned regions.

      Key words: China region, climate change, dring trend, surface wetness index (SWI)

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