

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 05 ?? Issue (01): 12-17.

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      馮瑞權 吳池勝 王安宇 何夏江 王婷 梁嘉靜 黎婉文 梁必騏   

      1. 澳門(mén)地球物理暨氣象局 中山大學(xué)
      • 收稿日期:2008-06-26 修回日期:2008-10-27 出版日期:2009-01-22 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-22
      • 通訊作者: 吳池勝

      Analysis of Surface Air Temperature Change in Macau During 1901-2007

      Soikun Fong   

      • Received:2008-06-26 Revised:2008-10-27 Online:2009-01-22 Published:2009-01-22

      摘要: 利用澳門(mén)的氣溫觀(guān)測資料, 分析了澳門(mén)1901-2007年地面氣溫變化的基本特征。結果表明:近107 a的升溫率為0.066℃/10a, 明顯低于全球平均升溫率。季節平均氣溫的年代際變化有明顯的季節差異,最大的增暖發(fā)生在春季和冬季,夏季的增暖最小;冬、夏季的變化分別有明顯的時(shí)間尺度約為60 a和30 a的振動(dòng)。年平均最高氣溫的升溫率僅為最低氣溫的一半左右。最高氣溫的年代際變化呈緩慢的氣候波動(dòng)現象,20世紀80年代中期以后的升幅與歷史上的增暖大致相當;最低氣溫近20多年來(lái)的增暖趨勢可能是其長(cháng)期(變暖)趨勢的延續。年平均日較差整體來(lái)說(shuō)是趨于減少的,但近30 a卻趨于增加。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 地面氣溫變化, 氣候變暖, 最高氣溫, 最低氣溫

      Abstract: The climate change was studied on the basis of daily series of temperature observations over the period 1901-2007 in Macau. The result shows that annual mean surface air temperature in Macau as a whole rose by about 0.71℃, with a warming rate of about 0.066℃/10a. The warming is far lower than the average values of the world. The most evident warming occurred in spring and winter. The interdecadal variations of the seasonal mean temperature in summer and winter appeared as a series of waves with a time scale of about 30 years and 60 years, respectively. Minimum temperature increased about twice as fast as maximum temperature, resulting in a broad decline in the diurnal temperature range. The interdecadal variations of maximum temperature are obviously different from those of minimum temperature. It appears that the recent trends in maximum temperature may be part of slow climate fluctuations, whereas the recent trends in minimum temperature are consistent with long-term trends.

      Key words: surface air temperature change, climate warming, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, Macau

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