

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 05 ?? Issue (01): 18-23.

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      尹紅 郭品文 劉洪濱 黃磊 于宏敏 國世友 王芳   

      1. 南京信息工程大學(xué) 大氣科學(xué)學(xué)院 中國氣象局 國家氣候中心 氣候研究開(kāi)放實(shí)驗室 黑龍江省氣象臺
      • 收稿日期:2008-04-07 修回日期:2008-05-27 出版日期:2009-01-22 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-22
      • 通訊作者: 尹紅

      Reconstruction of the October Mean Temperature Since 1796 at Wuying from Tree Ring Data

      Liu Hongbin   

      1. National Climate Center
      • Received:2008-04-07 Revised:2008-05-27 Online:2009-01-22 Published:2009-01-22

      摘要: 對黑龍江省小興安嶺五營(yíng)豐林國家自然保護區建立的紅松 (Pinus koraiensis) 樹(shù)輪寬度年表與五營(yíng)氣象站的氣候要素響應分析表明,樹(shù)輪年表與生長(cháng)季上一年10月份的平均溫度顯著(zhù)相關(guān),由此重建了1796-2004年五營(yíng)10月份平均溫度。此外,4月下旬的溫度變化對五營(yíng)紅松樹(shù)木的徑向生長(cháng)也具有一定的影響。1796-2004年,五營(yíng)共經(jīng)歷了4個(gè)偏冷和4個(gè)偏暖期。周期分析表明,重建序列以3.33 a的周期最為顯著(zhù),對重建序列30 a尺度的突變檢驗結果表明,1871年和1900年前后,五營(yíng)地區10月份平均溫度出現了顯著(zhù)的均值突變,1851年前后出現了明顯的方差突變。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 五營(yíng), 氣候變化, 樹(shù)木年輪, 溫度重建

      Abstract: The growth of Pinus koraiensis at the Fenglin national natural reserve of Wuying, Heilongjiang Province, is significantly correlated with the local October temperature of previous year. The mean temperature of October in Wuying was reconstructed for the period of 1796-2004 using residual tree ring chronology. In addition, the temperature in the late dekad of April also affected the tree ring radial width to some extent. In the past 209 years, there were 4 colder periods and 4 warmer periods in the reconstructed series; the most significant period of 3.33 years was detected by the power spectrum method. The abrupt changes on 30-year time scale were also detected in the reconstructed series by the smoothing T-test, the smoothing F-test and the Lepage-test; the significant abrupt changes in mean value were presented in about 1871 and 1900, and the significant abrupt changes in standard deviation in about 1851.

      Key words: Wuying, climate change, tree ring, temperature reconstruction

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