

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 05 ?? Issue (01): 24-28.

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      王業(yè)宏 盛春巖 楊曉霞 高慧君 張華   

      1. 山東省氣象臺
      • 收稿日期:2008-06-17 修回日期:2008-06-15 出版日期:2009-01-22 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-22
      • 通訊作者: 王業(yè)宏

      Spatial-Temporal Variations of Hazes in Shandong Province and Its Relationship with Climate Elements


      • Received:2008-06-17 Revised:2008-06-15 Online:2009-01-22 Published:2009-01-22

      摘要: 利用山東省70個(gè)臺站1961-2005年地面氣象觀(guān)測資料,運用EOF等統計方法,對山東省45 a來(lái)霾日數時(shí)空變化的氣候特征進(jìn)行了診斷分析。結果表明:山東省年平均霾日空間分布呈現魯中、魯南的部分地區多,魯北、半島大部地區少的特點(diǎn)。霾主要發(fā)生在秋冬季。過(guò)去45 a,山東省霾日數總體具有較強的上升趨勢,2000年后略下降;霾天氣發(fā)生時(shí)能見(jiàn)度主要在5~10 km,相對濕度主要為70%~90%;霾日數的變化與氣溫成正比,與降水量、風(fēng)速呈反比。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 霾, EOF方法, 時(shí)空分布, 山東省

      Abstract: The characteristics of spatial-temporal variations of hazes in Shandong Province were analyzed by using the surface observation data from 1961 to 2005 and employing the EOF method as well as other statistical methods. The results indicate that the average annual haze days was higher in the middle and south of Shandong Province and lower in the north of Shandong Province and most of the Shandong Peninsula. Hazes mainly occurred in autumn and winter. Hazes showed a generally rising trend over the past 45 years, but a slightly falling trend after 2000. The inter-annual variation of hazes was obvious. When a haze occurred, the visibility mostly ranged from 5 to 10 km, and the relative humidity ranged from 70% to 90%. The day number of hazes was proportional to temperature, but inversely proportional to wind speed.

      Key words: haze, EOF analysis, spatial-temporal variation, Shandong Province

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