

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 4 ?? Issue (006): 319-323.

      ? 氣候變化與水專(zhuān)欄 ?    下一篇


      夏軍 李璐 嚴茂超 褚健婷   

      1. 中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所
      • 收稿日期:2008-04-21 修回日期:2008-06-16 出版日期:2008-11-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-11-30
      • 通訊作者: 夏軍

      Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resource of Miyun Reservoir and Adaptation Managements

      1. Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
      • Received:2008-04-21 Revised:2008-06-16 Online:2008-11-30 Published:2008-11-30

      摘要: 密云水庫近30 a入庫水資源量日益減少,嚴重影響城市供水和可持續發(fā)展,其中氣候變化對水資源的影響成為最受關(guān)注的問(wèn)題之一。以海河流域密云水庫的水資源供應為例,研究了氣候變化對入庫水資源的影響。結果表明:除SRES A2情景下在2025年入庫流量減少外,其他情景均表現為入庫流量增加。對入庫流量增加的情景,采用"零調整方案",即不采取調整措施是可以的,但由于未來(lái)北京水資源壓力較大,有必要采取一些綜合對策。通過(guò)多目標條件分析,為解決北京的飲用水供應問(wèn)題,建議采用開(kāi)源(跨河流調水)、節流(水田改旱地)及污水治理三管齊下的方案。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣候變化影響, 密云水庫, 水資源, 適應性管理

      Abstract: A screening framework for assessing impacts of climate change on water resource of Miyun reservoir is briefly introduced. It is a systematic step-by-step scheme for assessing the impact of climate change and its adaptation responses. The assessment shows that water inflow to Miyun reservoir has been decreasing in recent years due to rainfall change and human activities. Climate change is projected to increase the reservoir's inflow in the long term (2050), but the inflow may continue to decline in the medium term (2025) under the SRES A2 scenario, necessitating adaptation measures to assure water supply to Beijing. Suggested comprehensive measures for adaptation management include: 1) converting paddy fields in the upper reaches to rain-fed farming land, with compensation paid to farmers; 2) constructing a water diversion channel of 160 km from the Luanhe River to the Chaohe River, which feeds Miyun reservoir; 3) constructing sewage treatment plants to increase effluent re-use.

      Key words: impacts of climate change, Miyun reservoir, water resource, adaptation management

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