

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 4 ?? Issue (006): 324-329.

      ? 氣候變化與水專(zhuān)欄 ? 上一篇    下一篇


      程曉陶 王靜 夏軍 任國玉   

      1. 中國水利水電科學(xué)研究院防洪減災研究所 西南大學(xué)地理科學(xué)學(xué)院 中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所 中國氣象局國家氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2008-04-09 修回日期:2008-04-23 出版日期:2008-11-30 發(fā)布日期:2008-11-30
      • 通訊作者: 程曉陶

      Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Control and Land Drainage Management Project in the Huaihe River Basin and Adaptive Measures

      Xiaotao Cheng   

      1. Department of Water Hazard Research, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences National Climate Center
      • Received:2008-04-09 Revised:2008-04-23 Online:2008-11-30 Published:2008-11-30
      • Contact: Xiaotao Cheng

      摘要: 以"淮河流域重點(diǎn)平原洼地治理工程外資項目"為對象,綜合分析了流域內地理氣候、經(jīng)濟社會(huì )、河流水系及防洪體系的相互關(guān)系與演變特征。在氣候變化影響下,流域3種類(lèi)型的洪水中,由持續一兩個(gè)月的長(cháng)歷時(shí)降水形成的量大但不集中的洪水,對平原洼地農業(yè)發(fā)展及治理工程效益的影響最為顯著(zhù)。在此基礎上,對氣候變化可能造成的影響進(jìn)行了半定量分析,并提出了增強排澇能力與提高自適應能力并舉的應對方案。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣候變化, 淮河流域, 防洪排澇, 洼地

      Abstract: The Huaihe River Basin Flood Management and Drainage Improvement Project was taken as the study object. The characteristics of the geography, climate, economy, society, river systems and flood control systems etc. within the Huaihe River basin have been comprehensively analyzed. It is realized that, among the three types of floods in the Huaihe River basin, the flood caused by consecutive rainfall for more than one or two months may have the most obvious negative effect on the agricultural development in the low-lying areas and on the benefits of the project under the impacts of climate change. A semi-quantitative analysis for possible impacts of climate change is presented, and some adaptive measures of both enhancing the drainage capacity and raising the adaptive ability are put forward.

      Key words: climate change, Huaihe River basin, flood control and land drainage, low-lying area, adaptive measures

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