

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2008, Vol. 4 ?? Issue (003): 156-160.

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      陳曉光 D.Conway 陳曉娟 鄭廣芬   

      1. 青海省氣象局 寧夏氣象臺
      • 收稿日期:2007-05-08 修回日期:2007-09-24 出版日期:2008-05-31 發(fā)布日期:2008-05-31
      • 通訊作者: 陳曉光

      Trends of Extreme Precipitation Events in Ningxia During 1961-2005

      Chen Xiaoguang Zheng Guangfen   

      1. The meteorological station of Qinghai province Ningxia Meteorological Observatory
      • Received:2007-05-08 Revised:2007-09-24 Online:2008-05-31 Published:2008-05-31
      • Contact: Chen Xiaoguang

      摘要: 利用1961-2005年寧夏逐日降水量資料,將降水量劃分為9個(gè)級別,分析了寧夏45 a來(lái)各級別降水日數的變化趨勢。結果表明:年降水量以平均3.6 mm/10 a的速率減少;近15 a來(lái),冬、春季降水量明顯減少,夏、秋季10.0 mm以下降水日數明顯減少,25.0 mm以上降水日數明顯增加。以1986年為界的氣候變暖前后25.1~50.0 mm級別的降水日數夏季和年增加的顯著(zhù)性概率分別達到了5%和1%,降水頻率分布呈現向高級別降水量增加的變化趨勢。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 氣候變化, 極端事件, 頻數, 降水

      Abstract: Trends in frequencies of daily precipitation at nine different levels over the last 45 years have been analyzed in this article, using the daily precipitation data from 1961 to 2005 in Ningxia. It has been found that the annual precipitation decreased at a mean rate of 3.6 mm/10 a. In the recent 15 years, precipitation obviously decreased in winter and spring; in summer and autumn, days of precipitation below 10.0 mm obviously decreased, but days of precipitation over 25.0 mm significantly increased. Differences in summer and yearly days of precipitation in 25.1-50.0 mm before and after 1986 were statistically significant at 5% and 1% level, respectively. The extreme trends of precipitation are obvious in Ningxia.

      Key words: climate change, extreme event, frequency, precipitation, Ningxia

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