

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (2): 97-103.

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      1. 1. 國家氣候中心
        2. 中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所
      • 收稿日期:2010-06-03 修回日期:2010-09-29 出版日期:2011-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2011-04-07
      • 通訊作者: 劉蕓蕓 E-mail:liuyuny@cma.gov.cn

      Spatiotemporal Variations of Rainy Season Precipitation in Northwest China Arid Region Under Global Warming

      • Received:2010-06-03 Revised:2010-09-29 Online:2011-03-30 Published:2011-04-07

      摘要: 利用西北干旱區1961—2007年77個(gè)觀(guān)測站的逐日降水資料序列,將西北干旱區分為5個(gè)主要氣候區,分析了全球變暖背景下西北干旱區雨季的降水時(shí)空變化特征,并預測降水的未來(lái)變化趨勢。結果表明:西北干旱區降水存在顯著(zhù)的年際和年代際變化,其西部降水量呈顯著(zhù)上升趨勢,尤其在新疆北部與伊犁河谷地區。降水具有5~6年或2~3年的年際周期與8~11年的年代際周期,但河西走廊地區例外。干旱區降水轉型時(shí)期的空間差異顯著(zhù),最早在1980年代初期從南疆開(kāi)始,1980年代中期新疆北部降水出現異常偏多,伊犁河谷和河西走廊地區降水突變期則出現在1990年代初,但變化趨勢相反;阿拉善高原地區降水沒(méi)有明顯的突變時(shí)間。由周期外推方法得到,在未來(lái)一個(gè)年代際周期中,西北干旱區的西部降水將以偏少的氣候特征為主,直到2015年前后才會(huì )再次回到偏多的周期中來(lái);阿拉善高原地區在未來(lái)8~11年中有可能向著(zhù)降水增加的趨勢發(fā)展。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 全球變暖, 西北干旱區, 降水, 未來(lái)趨勢, global warming, Northwest China arid region, precipitation, future trend

      Abstract: The spatiotemporal characteristics of rainy season precipitation for the five climatic subareas of Northwest China arid region (NCAR) under the background of global warming were investigated by using the daily precipitation data at 77 representative stations from 1961 to 2007, and future trends of the precipitation in the next decades were projected as well. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The precipitation in the NCAR presented significant interannual and interdecadal variabilities. The rainfall in western NCAR exhibited obvious increasing trends, especially in northern Xinjiang and the Yili River valley. There were generally two interannual periodic oscillations of five- to six-year and two- to three-year and one interdecadal cycle of eight- to eleven-year in rainy season precipitation time series in most areas of the NCAR, but in the Hexi Corridor, the thirteen- to fourteen-year long cycle dominated the interdecadal variability. 2) The abrupt change dates of precipitation in the five subareas were distinctively different from each other. The abrupt change from less to more than normal occurred in southern Xinjiang in the early 1980s, and then reached northern Xinjiang in the middle 1980s, the opposite trend abrupt change occurred in the Yili River valley and the Hexi Corridor region in the early 1990s, however no remarkable trend change was detected in the Alxa Plateau. 3) In the next interdecadal cycle, the precipitation will sustain the less than normal regime until the year of 2015 in western NCAR, afterwards return to the more than normal regime; while the precipitation may become more than normal in the next eight to eleven years in the Alxa Plateau.

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