

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (4): 235-242.

      ? 氣候系統變化 ?    下一篇



      1. 1. 國家氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2011-01-28 修回日期:2011-04-26 出版日期:2011-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2010-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 聶肅平 E-mail:niesp@cma.gov.cn
      • 基金資助:

      A Gauge-Based Global Daily Precipitation Dataset from 1980 to 2009: Quality Control and Evaluation

      • Received:2011-01-28 Revised:2011-04-26 Online:2011-07-30 Published:2010-07-30
      • Contact: Su-Ping Nie E-mail:niesp@cma.gov.cn

      摘要: 對來(lái)自全球無(wú)線(xiàn)通訊系統(GTS)1980—2009年全球臺站逐日降水資料進(jìn)行質(zhì)量控制和檢驗評估。有效地過(guò)濾了錯誤和不可靠的觀(guān)測記錄,構建了一套新的全球臺站逐日降水資料集。利用CMAP和GPCP降水產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行的檢驗評估表明,新資料集月降水具有良好的頻率分布和空間結構一致性。新資料集與CMAP和GPCP降水的全球平均時(shí)間相關(guān)系數從質(zhì)量控制前的0.24提高到0.70左右,均方根誤差則從12 mm/d減小到1 mm/d。在亞洲,新資料集與CMAP和GPCP具有一致的年際變化特征。在全球不同地區,新資料集的季節變化與CMAP和GPCP較為吻合。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 全球地面天氣報, 逐日降水, 質(zhì)量控制, 檢驗評估, global surface weather report, daily precipitation, quality control, data evaluation

      Abstract: A serial of quality control (QC) procedures were performed on a gauge-based global daily precipitation dataset from the Global Telecommunication System (GTS) for the period 1998-2009. A new global precipitation dataset was constructed after the control procedures. The new dataset was evaluated using CMAP and GPCP precipitation products. The results show that the frequency and spatial distribution of monthly precipitation in the new dataset well agree with those in CMAP and GPCP. The global mean correlation coefficient between gauge precipitation and CMAP/GPCP precipitation increased from 0.24 before QC to 0.70 after QC, accordingly, and the root mean square error decreased form 12 mm/d to 1 mm/d. The interannual variability of monthly precipitation in the new dataset is consistent with that of the CMAP/GPCP in Asia; and the seasonal variability of precipitation in different regions over the world coincides with those of CMAP/GPCP quite well.

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