

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2012, Vol. 8 ?? Issue (1): 1-7.

      ? 極端事件專欄 ?    下一篇



      1. 國家氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2011-05-30 修回日期:2011-08-03 出版日期:2012-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2012-01-30
      • 通訊作者: 張德二 E-mail:derzhang@cma.gov.cn

      Study of the Large Scale Flooding over Eastern China in 1755—An Extreme Climatic Event in History

      Zhang Deer 德二   

      • Received:2011-05-30 Revised:2011-08-03 Online:2012-01-30 Published:2012-01-30
      • Contact: Zhang Deer 德二 E-mail:derzhang@cma.gov.cn

      摘要: 1755年(清乾隆二十年)我國東部大范圍、多流域嚴重雨澇,其后1756、1757年黃河中下游雨澇,連續(xù)2年呈現(xiàn)較少見的北澇南旱降水分布格局,這是小冰期中相對溫暖時段氣候背景下的重大氣象災(zāi)害和極端氣候事件。依據(jù)歷史文獻記載復(fù)原多雨的天氣實況和氣候特征,繪制各年多雨、水災(zāi)和伴生的饑荒、蟲災(zāi)、疫疾的發(fā)生地域?qū)崨r圖。結(jié)果表明,1755年黃河、長江中下游和淮河流域持續(xù)多雨,其中黃淮地區(qū)連續(xù)雨日超過40 d。有早梅雨,長江下游的梅雨期長達43 d,是18世紀最長的梅雨期,南京的年降水量達1378 mm,是18世紀的最高值。1755年氣溫偏低,夏寒、秋霜早、冬季寒冷等特征與典型的極端多雨年1823和1954年相同,這3例極端多雨年都是太陽活動周的極小年。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 極端氣候事件, 雨澇, 氣象災(zāi)害, 1755年, 歷史氣候, extreme climatic event, floods, meteorological disaster, 1755 AD, historical climate

      Abstract: Disastrous floods happened in several river valleys over eastern China in 1755. Subsequently, serious floods occurred in the lower valleys of the Huanghe and Huaihe rivers in 1756 and 1757, a rarely seen precipitation pattern of north-floods-south-droughts appeared in China for the two successive years. Serious meteorological disasters and extreme climatic event happened under a climatic background of a warm phase of the Little Ice Age. In this paper, the rainy and flooding situation and the weather characters of these years are reproduced by means of historical literature records, and the state charts of areas of prolonged rainy, overflow and concomitant famine, insect pest, and pestilence in these years are made. In 1755, the mid to lower basins of the Huanghe, Huaihe and Yangtze rivers experienced a prolonged rainy season with multiple torrential rain events. The continuous rainy period exceeded 40 days in the Huanghuai region. An early Meiyu occurred, and the duration of the Meiyu period in the lower Yangtze River basin was 43 days, which is the longest in the 18th century. In particular in Nanjing the annual rainfall of 1755 was 1378 mm, which is the highest record of the 18th century. The year of 1755 was characterized by lower temperature in summer, early frost in autumn and heavy snowfall and freezing rains in winter, with the rainy season starting earlier, persisting for a longer period, and featuring of high precipitation intensity. The synoptic and climatic aspects of 1755 were extremely similar to those of 1823 and 1954, two typical severest floods years. And all the 3 extreme flooding events coincidently took place in the minimum-value phase of the solar activity period.

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