

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2012, Vol. 8 ?? Issue (2): 124-130.

      ? 氣候系統變化 ? 上一篇    下一篇


      徐金梅1,呂建雄2,3,鮑甫成4,肖軍5,Robert Evans6,黃榮鳳7,徐明8   

      1. 1. 中國林業(yè)科學(xué)研究院
        3. 中國林科院
        4. 中國林業(yè)科學(xué)研究院木材工業(yè)研究所國家林業(yè)局
        5. 國家林業(yè)局亞太森林網(wǎng)絡(luò )管理中心
        6. CSIRO Materials Science and Engineering,
        7. 中國林業(yè)科學(xué)研究院木材工業(yè)研究所
        8. 北京市朝陽(yáng)區產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量監督檢驗所
      • 收稿日期:2011-07-06 修回日期:2011-11-07 出版日期:2012-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2012-03-30
      • 通訊作者: 徐金梅 E-mail:xujinmei008@126.com
      • 基金資助:

      Measuring Wood Properties by SilviScan-3TM and Its Application in Climate Change Research

      • Received:2011-07-06 Revised:2011-11-07 Online:2012-03-30 Published:2012-03-30
      • Contact: Jinmei Xu E-mail:xujinmei008@126.com

      摘要: 系統介紹了利用SilviScan-3TM測量細胞結構、木材密度、微纖絲角和劃分年輪界線(xiàn)的方法,并以祁連山青海云杉為例,分析青海云杉6個(gè)木材性質(zhì)參數(年輪細胞直徑、年輪細胞壁厚、年輪寬度、年輪密度、年輪微纖絲角、年輪彈性模量)與氣候因子的關(guān)系,以期為利用多個(gè)樹(shù)輪參數研究氣候提供參考。結果表明:6個(gè)木材性質(zhì)參數與月平均氣溫和月降水量都有顯著(zhù)相關(guān)的月份,但顯著(zhù)相關(guān)的時(shí)間段不同,并且微纖絲角和細胞結構參數中包含的氣候信息強于常用的年輪寬度和年輪密度。SilviScan-3TM測量木材性質(zhì)參數的優(yōu)越性體現在:測量精度高、速度快,能在同一個(gè)試樣上測量多個(gè)參數并能精確定年。

      關(guān)鍵詞: SilviScan-3TM, 木材性質(zhì)參數, 氣溫, 降水, 氣候重建, SilviScan-3TM, wood properties, temperature, precipitation, climate reconstruction

      Abstract: The development of SilviScan-3TM, measurements of cell characteristics, wood density and wood microfibril angle, and boundary marking of ring with the SilviScan-3TM were introduced. Relationships between six wood properties (ring cell diameter, cell wall thickness, width, density, microfibril angle and modulus of elasticity) of Picea crassifolia and temperature and precipitation were analyzed. The six wood properties are significantly correlated with monthly mean temperature and monthly precipitation, while the significantly correlated time is different. Moreover, ring microfibril angle and cell characteristics record more climate signals than ring width and density, which are commonly used as climate proxies. There are several advantages of SilviScan-3TM for research on climate change, e.g., high resolution measurements, multiple property parameters measurement from a same sample and precisely marking ring boundary.

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