

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (05): 266-270.

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      1. 1. 黑龍江省氣候中心2. 國家氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2008-12-22 修回日期:2009-03-30 出版日期:2009-09-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-30
      • 通訊作者: 劉赫男

      Projection of Future Fog in China for 2001-2050

      Luo Yong   

      1. National Climate Center
      • Received:2008-12-22 Revised:2009-03-30 Online:2009-09-30 Published:2009-09-30

      摘要: 利用1971-2005年中國591個(gè)氣象臺站的霧日資料以及逐日最低氣溫、相對濕度、平均風(fēng)速資料,分析了35 a來(lái)中國各區域年霧日數與這些因子的相關(guān)關(guān)系,并利用IPCC第四次評估報告所提供的模式數據資料,針對3種不同的排放情景,對21世紀上半葉各區域年平均霧日進(jìn)行預估。結果表明:對劃分的9個(gè)霧區的年霧日數的回歸方程的擬合效果較好,可以用來(lái)進(jìn)行預估;未來(lái)50 a中國大部分地區霧日呈明顯減少的變化趨勢,在A(yíng)1B,A2和B1情景下,霧日減少的平均幅度分別為16.2%,13.4%和12.9%。未來(lái)50 a中國霧日預估結果的空間分布顯示:3種情景下未來(lái)中國大部分霧區霧日數都將減少,個(gè)別地區霧日數有增加趨勢,其中A1B情景下霧日減少區的減少趨勢最明顯,而B(niǎo)1情景下霧日增加區的增加趨勢最明顯。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 霧區, 回歸分析, 預估, 排放情景, 氣候模式

      Abstract: Based on the daily observational data of fog, minimum temperature, relative humidity and mean wind speed at 591 national meteorological observation stations of China during the period of 1971-2005, the correlation between regional annual fog days and the three climate factors were analyzed for each of the nine fog regions of China. Furthermore, the annual fog days for each region in the first 50 years of the 21st century were projected by using the model output data under the SRES-A2, -A1B, and -B1 emission scenarios provided by IPCC AR4. Results show that the projection results of regression equations of annual fog days for 2001-2005 are so good that these equations can be used for long-term projection. The projected results indicate that fog days in the first half of the 21st century will overally and obviously decrease by 16.2%, 13.4% and 12.9% under the SERS-A1B, -A2, and -B1 emission scenarios, respectively. As far as the spatial distribution is concerned, fog days under the three scenarios will all decline in most areas of China except a few individual areas; the most obvious decline will occur in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, South China, North China and Sichuan Basin etc. under the SRES-A1B scenario, while the most obvious increase will occur in the Tianshan Mts. and the Longdong-Shanxi region in Northwest China under the SRES-B1 scenario.

      Key words: fog days, regression analysis, projection, emission scenarios, trend analysis, climate models

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