

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (05): 298-303.

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      1. 1. 天津科技大學(xué)經(jīng)濟管理學(xué)院2. 清華大學(xué)能科樓C-4043. 清華大學(xué)
      • 收稿日期:2009-03-03 修回日期:2009-04-07 出版日期:2009-09-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-09-30
      • 通訊作者: 孫振清

      Analysis on Indian National Action Plan on Climate Change

      • Received:2009-03-03 Revised:2009-04-07 Online:2009-09-30 Published:2009-09-30

      摘要: 2008年6月印度政府發(fā)布了《氣候變化國家行動(dòng)方案》,闡明了印度應對氣候變化的原則立場(chǎng)以及減緩和適應措施。方案中明確指出發(fā)展中國家是氣候變化的最大受害者,發(fā)達國家應該承擔溫室氣體減排的責任和義務(wù);由于近年印度排放不斷上升,方案也著(zhù)重提出了提高能效、大力發(fā)展可再生能源等措施。與我國發(fā)布的《中國應對氣候變化國家方案》進(jìn)行對比,印度國家行動(dòng)方案中的一些觀(guān)點(diǎn)和措施值得我國研究和借鑒,該方案為我國進(jìn)一步提出應對策略、加強國際合作提供了參考。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 印度, 氣候變化, 國家方案, 能源

      Abstract: Indian National Action Plan on Climate Change, issued in June 2008, outlined India's principles, mitigation and adaptation measures on addressing climate change. It highlighted India's standpoint about the responsibility to address climate change, i.e. the developed countries should be responsible for their accumulated greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, and everyone on the earth could share the global atmospheric resource freely according to the principle of equity. Meanwhile, India is facing up more and more pressure from the international society due to its steady increasing of GHG emission, and the action plan also presented mitigation measures, such as improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energy. Comparing with the China's National Climate Change Program (CNCCP), the viewpoints and measures of Indian government could be helpful for China to make the strategy for addressing climate change and to enhance international cooperation capacity.

      Key words: India, climate change, national action plan, energy

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