

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 05 ?? Issue (01): 7-11.

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      侯青 趙艷霞   

      1. 氣科院 大氣成分 中國氣象科學(xué)研究院
      • 收稿日期:2008-05-15 修回日期:2008-07-04 出版日期:2009-01-22 發(fā)布日期:2009-01-22
      • 通訊作者: 侯青

      An Analysis on Characteristics of Regional Acid Rain over China in 2007

      hou qing   

      • Received:2008-05-15 Revised:2008-07-04 Online:2009-01-22 Published:2009-01-22
      • Contact: hou qing

      摘要: 基于中國氣象局1993-2007年的酸雨觀(guān)測站資料, 著(zhù)重分析了2007年中國區域酸雨的特征,并和近十幾年來(lái)我國區域酸雨的變化特點(diǎn)進(jìn)行對比。與過(guò)去十幾年相比,2007年全國區域酸雨的特點(diǎn)如下:1) 我國位于長(cháng)江以南的酸雨區范圍基本保持不變,但南方部分站點(diǎn)的酸雨強度達近十幾年來(lái)的最高值;2) 我國北方尤其是華北部分地區的降水酸化明顯,部分省市站點(diǎn)的酸雨頻率和強酸雨頻率達近15 a來(lái)的最高值;3) 2003-2007年,全國年均酸雨日數和酸雨量與總降水量的比值逐年上升,且增幅較為明顯。2007年全國平均酸雨日數為1993年有系統觀(guān)測數據以來(lái)的最高值。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 中國, 2007年, 酸雨, 特征

      Abstract: Based on the observations of the acid rain network of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) from 1993 to 2007, after carefully contrast analysis, this paper draws the following three conclusions: firstly, the area of acid rain regions south of the Yangtze River in 2007 remained virtually unchanged in comparison with the past, while the intensity of acid rain in some stations reached a peak value; secondly, the rain acidity in northern China, especially in North China, increased markedly, and the frequencies of acid rain and severe acid rain in some of the stations in 2007 reached the maximum; thirdly, the average acid rain days and the ratio of acid rainfall to the total precipitation drastically increased year by year from 2004 to 2007. The average acid rain days in 2007 was the highest in the past 15 years, when the systemically observation data were available.

      Key words: China, the year 2007, acid rain, characteristic

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