

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2009, Vol. 5 ?? Issue (04): 237-240.

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      1. 1. 遼寧省營(yíng)口市氣象局2. 中科院植物研究所/中國氣象局沈陽(yáng)大氣環(huán)境研究所3. 營(yíng)口市氣象局
      • 收稿日期:2008-11-10 修回日期:2009-01-13 出版日期:2009-07-30 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-30
      • 通訊作者: 周廣勝

      Characters of High Wind Days and Its Change in Yingkou Prefecture from 1971 to 2000

      quyan qu   

      • Received:2008-11-10 Revised:2009-01-13 Online:2009-07-30 Published:2009-07-30

      摘要: 對1971-2000年營(yíng)口地區各月大風(fēng)及大風(fēng)日數等要素資料的分析表明:1971-2000年營(yíng)口地區各月最大風(fēng)速≥6級和≥8級的日數表現為春季>冬季>秋季>夏季,≥6級和≥8級的年大風(fēng)日數均呈遞減趨勢,變化速率分別為-27.4 d/10a和-6.7 d/10a;1981-2000年營(yíng)口地區最大風(fēng)速≥6級和≥8級的年大風(fēng)日數變化速率分別為-13.1 d/10a和-6.1 d/10a,反映出1971-2000年大風(fēng)日數遞減趨勢較1981-2000年顯著(zhù),春夏季(3-6月)遞減趨勢尤為顯著(zhù)。氣溫日較差減小所導致的局地環(huán)流減弱可能是營(yíng)口地區大風(fēng)日數減少的一個(gè)原因。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 大風(fēng)日數, 變率, 營(yíng)口地區

      Abstract: The analyses of high wind days in Yingkou Prefecture from 1971 to 2000 indicate that days of wind speed above 6 and 8 categories in one year reduced successively from spring, winter, autumn to summer. Annual days of wind speed above 6 and 8 categories in the recent 30 years (1971-2000) reduced at a linear change rate of 27.4 d /10a and 6.7 d /10a, but in the recent 20 years (1981-2000), the annual high wind days reduced at a linear trend of 13.1 d/10a and 6.1 d/10a, respectively, suggesting that the reducing trends of high wind days in the recent 30 years are more significant than those in the recent 20 years; and the reducing trends in spring and early summer (March to June) are more remarkable than those in autumn and winter. The weakening of local general circulation associated with the reduction in diurnal range might be one of the reasons for the decline in high wind days in Yingkou Prefecture.

      Key words: high wind days, change rate, Yingkou Prefecture

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