

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (2): 136-142.

      ? 氣候系統變化 ? 上一篇    下一篇



      1. 1. 湖北省氣象科技服務(wù)中心
        2. 華中科技大學(xué)電氣與電子工程學(xué)院
      • 收稿日期:2010-09-03 修回日期:2010-11-30 出版日期:2011-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2011-04-07
      • 通訊作者: 李芬 E-mail:beckyhust@163.com
      • 基金資助:

      Review on Forecast Methods for Photovoltaic Power Generation

      • Received:2010-09-03 Revised:2010-11-30 Online:2011-03-30 Published:2011-04-07

      摘要: 太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電技術(shù)成為當今世界可再生能源發(fā)電領(lǐng)域的一個(gè)研究熱點(diǎn)。在未來(lái),我國大規模的并網(wǎng)光伏發(fā)電系統將持續快速發(fā)展,但目前我國對太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報方法的研究還很薄弱,幾乎沒(méi)有可滿(mǎn)足實(shí)際太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報需求的方法和系統。太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報,主要是通過(guò)太陽(yáng)總輻射的準確預報,結合光伏電站歷史發(fā)電量數據分析,進(jìn)而得到光伏發(fā)電量預報。通過(guò)對國內外太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報方法的介紹和分類(lèi),以及對國際上太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報系統建設的介紹,希望對我國太陽(yáng)能光伏發(fā)電量預報系統發(fā)展起到一定的促進(jìn)和推動(dòng)作用。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 光伏發(fā)電, 效率模型, 氣象要素, 太陽(yáng)總輻射, 預報, 動(dòng)力-統計方法, photovoltaic power generation system, efficiency model, meteorological factors, total solar radiation, forecasting, statistic-dynamic method

      Abstract: Solar photovoltaic technology is becoming one of the hot issues in the field of renewable energy generation. In future, China’s large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system will be continuously in rapid development. But, so far, the exploring of photovoltaic power generation forecasting is still weak, and there are few methods available to meet the practical needs of photovoltaic power generation prediction in China. Photovoltaic power generation prediction means to accurately predict solar irradiances at first, and then in combination with the analysis of the historic power generation data of photovoltaic power station, to further forecast photovoltaic power. In this paper, we briefly introduce and classify several types of photovoltaic power generation forecasting models, such as the simulation-prediction method based on global solar radiation prediction and photovoltaic simulator, the physical prediction method based on global solar radiation prediction and photoelectric conversion efficiency model, the statistic-dynamic method based on the meteorological data and photoelectric power generation data processing and numerical weather prediction. Meanwhile, we also simply introduce photovoltaic power generation forecasting platform’s construction abroad.

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