

      氣候變化研究進展 ?? 2008, Vol. 4 ?? Issue (004): 240-244.

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      1. 江蘇省氣象科學研究所
      • 收稿日期:2007-11-09 修回日期:2008-01-21 出版日期:2008-07-31 發(fā)布日期:2008-07-31
      • 通訊作者: 楊秋明

      Interdecadal Variations of the Principal Modes for Winter Sea Level Pressure Anomalies over Eurasia

      • Received:2007-11-09 Revised:2008-01-21 Online:2008-07-31 Published:2008-07-31

      摘要: 運用非線性主成分分析法對歐亞地區(qū)1948-2007年冬季海平面氣壓距平場進行分析。結果表明:冬季歐亞地區(qū)海平面氣壓異常變率具有顯著的非線性特征,當非線性主成分取不同的異常值時,對應的空間氣壓異常分布型具有顯著的非對稱性。同時,第一非線性模態(tài)(NLPC1)年際振蕩強度和周期在20世紀70年代初存在明顯的年代際變化,1970年以后,年際振蕩強度顯著增強。

      關鍵詞: 海平面氣壓, 非線性空間模態(tài), 歐亞地區(qū), 冬季

      Abstract: Eurasian winter sea level pressure anomalies during 1948-2007 were investigated by applying a nonlinear principal component analysis (NLPCA) method. The results show that there was a distinct nonlinear characteristic in Eurasian winter sea level pressure anomaly changes. The spatial distribution was obviously asymmetrical when the first nonlinear principal component (NLPC1) took various positive or negative anomalous values. It is found that there was an evident interdecadal change of the intensity and period of interannual oscillations for the first nonlinear principal mode in the early 1970s, afterwards the nonlinear interannual oscillation was significantly enhanced.

      Key words: sea level pressure, nonlinear spatial mode, Eurasia, winter, interdecadal variation

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