

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (1): 59-64.

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      許光清,郭會(huì )珍,原陽(yáng)陽(yáng),董志勇   

      1. 中國人民大學(xué)環(huán)境學(xué)院
      • 收稿日期:2010-08-23 修回日期:2010-10-11 出版日期:2011-01-30 發(fā)布日期:2011-01-31
      • 通訊作者: 許光清 E-mail:gqingxu@126.com

      Evaluation and Influence Factors of Climate Change Awareness of Enterprise Management Personnel

      • Received:2010-08-23 Revised:2010-10-11 Online:2011-01-30 Published:2011-01-31

      摘要: 基于對企業(yè)管理人員進(jìn)行氣候變化意識的問(wèn)卷調查,對被調查者關(guān)于氣候變化的認知指數、行為指數和意識指數3個(gè)指標進(jìn)行評價(jià),對被調查者的背景對其氣候變化意識的影響作出分析。分析結果表明,產(chǎn)業(yè)類(lèi)型、企業(yè)類(lèi)型、企業(yè)規模和工作部門(mén)對被調查者認知指數的影響顯著(zhù),企業(yè)規模對被調查者行為指數的影響顯著(zhù),年齡、學(xué)歷、企業(yè)類(lèi)型、企業(yè)規模和工作部門(mén)對被調查者意識指數的影響顯著(zhù)。26~35歲年齡段的企業(yè)管理人員的氣候變化意識水平高于其他年齡段,研究生及以上學(xué)歷的企業(yè)管理人員的氣候變化意識水平要高于本科及以下的企業(yè)管理人員,國有企業(yè)的管理人員的氣候變化意識水平要高于私營(yíng)企業(yè)的管理人員,企業(yè)規模越大,其管理人員的氣候變化意識水平越高,各部門(mén)管理人員中技術(shù)類(lèi)管理人員的氣候變化意識水平最高。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 問(wèn)卷調查, 企業(yè)管理人員, 氣候變化意識, questionnaire survey, enterprises management personnel, awareness of climate change

      Abstract: Based on the questionnaire survey which is about awareness of climate change and aims at enterprise management personnel, the authors analyzed the relationship between climate change awareness and enterprise management personnel background through cognitive index, behavior index, and awareness index of climate change. The results show that the influence of industry type, enterprises’ ownership type, enterprise scale and job department on cognitive index is remarkable, the influence of enterprise scale on behavior index is also remarkable. In addition, the influence of age, education, enterprises’ ownership type, enterprise scale and job department on the awareness index of climate change is remarkable. The management personnel from age 26 to age 35 have higher awareness than others; the management personnel who have a master’s degree or above have higher awareness than others; the management personnel from state-owned enterprises have higher awareness than those from private-owned ones; the bigger scale of enterprises, the higher level of awareness of the personnel; and the technical management personnel have the highest level of awareness.

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