

      氣候變化研究進(jìn)展 ?? 2011, Vol. 7 ?? Issue (2): 104-109.

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      1. 新疆氣候中心
      • 收稿日期:2010-05-28 修回日期:2010-11-01 出版日期:2011-03-30 發(fā)布日期:2011-04-07
      • 通訊作者: 陳穎 E-mail:meihuazui1206@126.com

      2009/2010 Winter Snow Disaster in Northern Xinjiang Under Global Warming

      • Received:2010-05-28 Revised:2010-11-01 Online:2011-03-30 Published:2011-04-07

      摘要: 利用新疆北部43個(gè)氣象觀(guān)測站資料,引用異常氣候事件和極端氣候事件的判別標準,定量分析了2009/2010年冬季新疆北部的異常氣候特征,總結了這一階段的降水、氣溫的極端事件特征。分析表明,新疆北部2009/2010年冬季降水量大,積雪厚,積雪時(shí)間長(cháng),氣溫變化幅度大,多種表征降水和積雪的氣象要素突破歷史極值;極端事件發(fā)生頻次高、范圍廣,極端冷事件與暖事件并存。在全球氣候變暖的大尺度背景下出現降雪如此大、積雪如此厚、災害如此重的極端氣候事件,在新疆實(shí)屬罕見(jiàn),這也凸顯了極端氣候事件的多元性和復雜性。

      關(guān)鍵詞: 冷冬, 寒潮, 降水量, 積雪, 極端氣候事件, cold winter, cold wave, precipitation, snow cover, climate extremes

      Abstract: Anomalous characters of 2009/2010 winter (from 1st November to next 31st March) climate in northern Xinjiang were quantitatively analyzed based on the observations of 43 meteorological stations in 1961-2010 in terms of extreme precipitation and temperature events defined by WMO. The results show that in the 2009/2010 winter, precipitation in northern Xinjiang was heavy, snow cover was thick with a long duration, changes in temperature were very large, and several meteorological variables describing precipitation and snow cover broke their historical extremes; extreme events was characteristic of high frequency, wide spatial range, and the coexistence of extreme cold and warm events. Under the large scale background of climate warming, the occurrence of such extreme climate events that brought about heavy snow, thick snow cover, and severe disasters in the 2009/2010 winter has been seldom seen in northern Xinjiang, which indicates the diversity and complicity of extreme climate events.

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